Statutory Assessment at SPRINGFIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL 1
Objectives: To introduce parents to the assessment framework for Years 2 at the end of Key Stage 1. To help parents in Year 2 understand how their children are assessed at the end of each Key Stage and why. To help parents in Y2 understand the expectations for the year and the impact of results.
Why Assess? Knowing how each pupil is performing allows teachers to plan and help individuals improve. Assessment plays a key role in helping schools to improve outcomes. This in turn promotes improvement at class level, then at school level. Assessments help the next school to plan for pupils – all information is passed to KS 2 teachers and beyond at the start of Year 7.
The system Prior to 2016 children were allocated a level at the end of KS1 and KS2 to indicate how well they had achieved. Level 2B and Level 4B were average grades for the end of each of the Key Stages. The government changed this system in 2014 and removed levels as an indicator of achievement and progress. Children are now assessed as being at an expected standard in either reading, writing or maths
Formal Assessment in Year 2 Assessment is based upon teacher assessment work across the year in maths and literacy (reading, writing and GPS) and in the case of Science – the key stage. Tests support teacher assessment – informing the final judgment Children will take tests in maths, reading and grammar, punctuation and spelling Results from these plus teacher assessment of speaking and listening and science are then reported Flexibility – tests are taken in May
Year 2 Children in Year 2 are expected to achieve all of the statements within the expected standard for each subject plus all of the objectives from the working towards standard before they can be judged to be at the expected standard. Standards are working towards, expected and greater depth Previously teacher assessment was a best fit model.
All children are expected to sit all of the tests unless they are working well below the expected standard. To be assessed at writing at Greater Depth handwriting must be joined. Handwriting did not have to be joined at the Expected Standard in 2016. Children must use a range of different sentence forms independently in their writing. Speaking and listening was not teacher assessed in 2016 but could be this year.
KS1 tests English reading – 2 papers – 1300 -1800 words Grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1 – spelling Paper 2 – grammar questions Maths Paper 1 – arithmetic Paper 2 – Reasoning
Results KS1 Schools will be moderated where evidence for each objective will be scrutinised for a selection of children – chosen by the moderators Each pupil will receive (for each test) a raw score a scaled score – shared with parents on request Confirmation of whether they have achieved the expected standard shared with parents at the end of the year. To achieve the expected standard children will have to achieve a scaled score of 100
Test results Maths – 37/60 to achieve a scaled score of 100 – 62% Reading – 22/40 to achieve a scaled score of 100 – 55% Grammar, punctuation and spelling – 25/40 to achieve a scaled score of 100 – 63% Progress will be measured by comparing end of KS1 results from 2017 with end of KS2 results in 2021!
Year 2 Preparation will include – Comprehension tests Spelling tests All writing is included in assessment Homework can be included Children will practice taking a test TLC groups
Reminders If you think you might be eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant you need to apply via West Berks. Take leaflet tonight.
Examples of papers Any questions ?