Patient Assessment
Physical Exam Take the Temperature, Respiratory Rate and Heart Rate of the patient. Normal Ranges in Bovine: Temp: 36.7 -39.1⁰C (beef) 38-39.3⁰C (dairy) Resp: 26-50 breaths per min HR:48-84 beats per min
BCS Dehydration status Mentation- BAR? Evaluate the mucus membranes- CRT, moisture, colour.
Examination of Eye Observe conformation of entire eye and orbit Look for signs of abnormal discharge Eye movement Position of eyeball in orbit Intraocular pressure and prominence of eyes
Examination of Eye Inspection of: Sclera Conjunctiva Cornea Upper and Lower Eyelids Third Eyelid Internal Structures: Iris, Pupil, anterior chamber and lens.
Eye Exam Ocular Reflexes: PLR Fixation Reflex Palpebral Reflex Menace Reflex Corneal Reflex