Dave Jephson, Health Statistics User Group workshop, 7th March 2016 Local Health Dave Jephson, Health Statistics User Group workshop, 7th March 2016
Local Health – background PHE’s primary display tool for small area data Freely available from www.localhealth.org.uk Presents information, maps and profiles at Middle Super Output Area (MSOA), Electoral Ward, Local Authority and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) geographies Some indicators at electoral ward and CCG level are population weighted estimates of MSOA data Areas can be combined to produce reports for user defined geographies Over 60 indicators included, from the themes ‘Our community’; ‘Children’s and adults’ health and lifestyle’; ‘Disease and poor health’; and ‘Life expectancy and causes of death’ Reports and profiles show statistical comparisons with England values Developed as part of Health Profiles project, but not an Official Statistic Local Health
Local Health - indicators Population (by various age groups, BME population, etc) Demographic (proficiency in English, fertility, carers, pensioners living alone) Wider determinants (deprivation, child development, GCSEs, unemployment, housing) Health status (general health, long term illness or disability) Lifestyle (child excess weight, child injuries, modelled smoking in young people, teenage mothers, modelled adult obesity, healthy eating, binge drinking) Hospital admissions (all causes emergency/elective, CHD, stroke, heart attack, COPD, hip fracture, hip/knee replacement, self harm, alcohol related harm) Cancer incidence (all, breast, colorectal, lung, prostate) Mortality (life expectancy, deaths from all causes, cancer, circulatory disease, CHD, stroke, respiratory diseases) Local Health
Local Health www.localhealth.org.uk Local Health
Local Health - evolving Useful features for the beginner user: - User guide under the ‘HOW TO…’ menu item - Demonstration videos - Easy to use ‘FIND YOUR AREA’ menu item Functionality is continuing to be developed, including a mobile friendly version Update scheduled for spring to add further indicators on health expectancies (HLE, DFLE) and deprivation (IMD 2015) Full update to take place later in the summer All feedback welcome – contact: localhealth@phe.gov.uk