Types of Maps Political – shows political units, from countries, states, and provinces to counties, districts, and towns Physical – shows mountains, hills, rivers, lakes, oceans. They could include elevations and depths of water. Historical – shows battles, migrations, tribes, population.
Indicates direction on the map Compass Rose Indicates direction on the map
Symbols Icons or pictures that represent real things.
Labels Designate key places, such as cities, states, bodies of water
Legend or Key Small table that describes what symbols or colors mean on a map
Scale Used to measure distance on the map Shows how big the map is compared to reality
Latitude Lines Longitude Lines Measures East/West in degrees Run up and down Measures North/South in degrees Run sideways
Longitude Lines
Latitude Lines
Equator and Prime Meridian Equator and Prime Meridian meet at 0 degrees Divide world in Hemispheres Northern (above) and Southern (below) Eastern (right) and Western (left) Books p. A4
7 Continents They are NOT countries Continents Asia Africa North America South America Antarctica Europe Australia 7 Continents They are NOT countries
Continents continued Population: Highest – Asia 4,165,252,000 Number of Countries Africa – 54 Europe – 47 Asia – 44 North America – 23 Australia – 14 South America – 12 Antarctica - 0 Population: Highest – Asia 4,165,252,000 Lowest – Antarctica
5Major Oceans Pacific - Biggest Atlantic Indian Southern - Newest Arctic
The Good Ol’ USA Continent – North America 50 States (NO Puerto Rico is NOT a State) Border Countries Canada – North Mexico – South Border Oceans Atlantic – East Coast Pacific – West Coast