Health and Safety Induction For Works Involving UoR


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Presentation transcript:

Health and Safety Induction For Works Involving UoR Non-Laboratory Gas systems University of Reading Work for Health and Safety Services It is our aim to ensure that the University of Reading is a safe place for you to work. Going to give you a brief over view of issues you need to consider to work safely. Also look at where you need to go get more information and where to report issues. We have given you an induction pack which gives more information including leaflets on safe computer use, manual handling and fire safety FOCUS on what issues they bring up for their place of work. Updated 01/01/16

Contact Details Health and Safety Services Tel. 0118 378 8888 Security Services Emergency Number: 0118 378 6300 General Number: 0118 378 7799 FMD Reception 0118 3788958 You must also know the contact details of your UoR Project Manager Each of the buildings at UoR has a building manager, you should obtain the details from your UoR contact. Who we are: - team of 8 – you can find most of us in the Physics building at Whiteknights. Web site and email address, and tel 8888. Standards Assess legislation, advise on what managers and staff need to do to comply with legislation and work safely Prepare Safety Guides, Safety Notes, newsletters etc. Advice and information Attend local H&S committees as advisers Advise senior management Respond to day-t-day enquiries and requests for advice, info Health & Safety training Range of courses – fire safety, manual handling, lab safety, managing safety etc Monitoring AND act as auditors/policemen. -audit schools, check management procedures on H&S is working e.g. staff trained, risk assessments prepared and being applied, managers taking the lead on H&S. DON’T WANT TO STOP YOU DOING WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, DO WANT TO HELP YOU WORK SAFELY. Updated 01/01/16

Works – General Rules For all works on UoR you must be competent and for gas systems this means Gas Safe registered All work must be covered by a risk assessment All works must be considered to be on or near live utilities unless you have specific information that it is otherwise All accidents and incidents must be reported to your line manager and the UoR project or maintenance manager Talk through each issue briefly. DSE – WRULD to wrists, hands, necks, eyes etc. Do workstation assessment, based on DSEasy or checklist. Local assessor should help with issues. Work equipment – should be well maintained, fit for purpose and you should know how to use it safely (instruction and training). Chemicals – use the safest option, know how to use it safely, store correctly, dispose of safely. Electricity – major cause of fire, also electrical shock. Ensure equipment is PAT tested (look for label) and do not use if not. Report. Fire – major threat to life safety, building loss and business disruption (loss of research) if fire occurs. Prevent it happening (good housekeeping, electrical safety, control of sources of ignition etc). More on fire precautions later. Slips and trips – major cause of injury in the UK and at the University. Many slips and trips can be avoided e.g. last major accident was broken arm caused by trip over laptop bag strap. Again, good housekeeping, awareness that silly little things can cause major injury, and report unsafe flooring etc. Updated 01/01/16

Permits There is a permit for working on Domestic Gas systems. There are also permits for excavations, hot work, roof access as well as restricted access areas. Permits are required if you are carrying out works involving any of the above as part of the work. Talk through each issue briefly. DSE – WRULD to wrists, hands, necks, eyes etc. Do workstation assessment, based on DSEasy or checklist. Local assessor should help with issues. Work equipment – should be well maintained, fit for purpose and you should know how to use it safely (instruction and training). Chemicals – use the safest option, know how to use it safely, store correctly, dispose of safely. Electricity – major cause of fire, also electrical shock. Ensure equipment is PAT tested (look for label) and do not use if not. Report. Fire – major threat to life safety, building loss and business disruption (loss of research) if fire occurs. Prevent it happening (good housekeeping, electrical safety, control of sources of ignition etc). More on fire precautions later. Slips and trips – major cause of injury in the UK and at the University. Many slips and trips can be avoided e.g. last major accident was broken arm caused by trip over laptop bag strap. Again, good housekeeping, awareness that silly little things can cause major injury, and report unsafe flooring etc. Updated 01/01/16

Non Gas Workplace Hazards Other construction tasks in the area Students and UoR visitors, a large visiting population Some students and visitors may not have English as a first language and may not have as sound an understanding of H&S Pests Fragile flooring and roof surfaces Housekeeping – fire, risk of blocking fire escapes, slips and trips and general convenience/comfort of working in an area. Building work – major issue for the University at the moment. E.g. ICMA, Carrington, Life Sciences. Construction traffic, problems with sight lines for pedestrians and drivers around construction site fencing, traffic routes, lorry drivers not expecting unsafe behaviour by pedestrians etc. Report any potential hazards. Social and department events – food safety, personal security and safety, fire safety, crowd control etc. May need a special risk assessment and we offer training. Fieldwork – remote locations, difficulties of communication, poor standards of hygiene, personal safety etc. Make sure precautions are in place before you go. Updated 01/01/16

UoR Standards UoR issues every contracting company with a UoR Rules and Guidance document We also issue individual contractors a guide for working on UoR. Therefore, there can be no excuse for not following the rules. Very important, generally a rare event but can be very serious if it happens. Must know how to raise the alarm – it may mean you have to use the break glass. First priority is to get out safely and report that fact to the Evacuation Officer. Learn what your evacuation routes are – may not be the way you came in. If you teach in other buildings, find out what applies in those buildings. May be different to your usual workplace. Take charge of meeting/class and make sure the room is emptied – report that fact to the EO. Make sure any disabled people are directed to a refuge and their presence there is reported to the EO. Updated 01/01/16

20 Around campus Shared traffic routes Park safely in designated areas Parking permits are required Beware – cyclists! Traffic – open campus, car and lorry drivers don’t expect pedestrians to wander across the road, and pedestrians expect to be able to go anywhere. NOTE NEW SPEED LIMIT – 20 MPH, 10 MPH in places. Drive within the speed limits, wear high viz clothing if cycling. Updated 01/01/16

Summary on your workplace…. Identify your escape route in the event of an emergency Find out about fire and first aid arrangements Find out how to report accidents and hazards Check that your work place is safe to work in If not report it to your supervisor First aid – have trained First Aiders and Appointed Persons. Find out who they are. Backed up by Security. Find out about local rules and arrangements, set out in Area H&S code. Accident book etc. Refer to emergency telephone number x6300- to Security Control Updated 01/01/16

Any questions? Remember to sign to say you have had the induction and collect your tradesman’s guide to H&S at UoR Updated 01/01/16