Pasadena Assistance Fund PY16-18 Grant Award City Council Randy Mabson, Program Coordinator 6/27/16
Pasadena Assistance Fund Recommendation: Find that the recommended action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines per Section 15061 (b)(3), the “General Rule” that CEQA only applies to projects that may have an effect on the environment; and Approve the allocation from the Pasadena Assistance Fund (PAF) in the amount of $100,000 for 2016-18 human/public service activities.
Pasadena Assistance Fund Executive Summary: The subjected item was approved by EdTech on June 16, 2016, and by City Council on June 20, 2016. Staff would like to clarify the award in total is $100,000. As the RFP will fund two recipients at $25,000 each for two years. In addition, information on the selection process has been added to the report as requested at the EdTech meeting. The current fund balance is $1,968,757, with previous awards of $130,000.
Pasadena Assistance Fund Background: The fund was created in 1992 under the name Human Services Endowment Fund. In 2012, management of the fund was moved to Housing and Career Services. City Council approved the transfer of the $1.7 million fund to the Pasadena Community Foundation (PCF) in order to prevent the fund from being depleted. PCF has an investment strategy which employs a diversified global portfolio that the City cannot use in the investment of public funds. The current fund balance is $1,968,757, with previous awards of $130,000.
Pasadena Assistance Fund Background: The City issued a Request for Proposal on March 21, 2016 to award two grants to be used towards public service programs that are located within and serve Pasadena. The RFP focused on identifying existing barriers to low and moderate income persons, and the selection of proposals which would best assist residents in overcoming those barriers or addressing unmet needs. Four of the proposals received were deemed eligible based on the RFP proposal submission requirements.
Pasadena Assistance Fund Background: Eligible proposals were evaluated by a scoring committee comprised of one (1) Housing staff member and three (3) Human Service commissioners. Scoring evaluations were provided to agencies whose proposals were not awarded full points. Proposers were provided an opportunity to question and appeal their score. No appeals were received by the deadline.
Funding Recommendation Agency Name Project Name Project Description Proposal Score Foothill Unity Center Food Nutrition Assistance This project provides food distributions, and nutrition education to low and moderate income residents. 87.75 Pasadena City College Foundation Project LEAP This project provides academic case management to at-risk youth which includes one-on-one mentoring, academic and personal advisement, crisis intervention, academic and life skills workshops. 86.25 Armenian Relief Society Community Assistance Program This project provides self-sufficiency case management to immigrants and refugees including health or general welfare assistance, translation/interpretations, and social service referrals. 85.25 FVO Solutions, Inc. Employment Services for Disabled Persons This project provides employment services to developmental disabled persons including job placement, training, and vocational skills. 77.5 Funding Recommendation Two year award at $25k each year.