0.254 ID Diameter 0.273 OD Diameter 0.10 0.05 0.808 0.608 0.15 55 3/8” 140.7cm 34 3/8” 87.3 cm T900 6 5/8” 16.8 cm 7 3/16” 18.256 cm 10” 25.40 cm 1.108 2.854 0.908 0.15 Diameter Coladera strainer Washer Bulkhead Cover Unitrust Tubing Concrete Trough Schedule 40 10 in PVC pipe 10 by 10 cms. space between concrete trough side wall and PVC pipe 5 by 5 cms. space between concrete trough bottom wall and PVC pipe 5 by 5 cms. space between metal grill / catwalk / grate and PVC pipe 10 by 10 cms. space between PVC pipes Washer drainage 2 in Coper Hot Water Tubing 2 in Coper Cold Water Tubing 2 in Conduit Tubing for Electrical cables 5 in Floor Dome Drain Stainer 80 cms. by xyz mts. Trought Length Metal Grill / Catwalk / Grate 2 in by 2 in by 3/8” Thick Plain Stell Angle to Support Metal Grill Schedule 40 6 in PVC pipe 6 in Steel Base for Washer 2 each Schedule 40 10 in PVC pipe. One PVC Pipe for Each Washing Machine Row Disclousure: Picture Barrowed from Larry Adamski Post Bob, Having viewed your two pictures, it appears your plumbing system was designed for top load...