CHAMP: Cygnus Habitation Module Project , Ryan Hardy, Kayla Hasbrouck, Benjamin Lewis, Kaitlin McIntosh , Ryan Morse, Joe Reichert, Kimia Seyedmadani, Emma Young Department of Aerospace Engineering – Bioastronautics - University of Colorado at Boulder Abstract/Background Mockup Design and Development Internal Model Data and Volume Analysis Testing and Data Analysis The University of Colorado, Boulder (CU) will work with Orbital ATK to develop and evaluate concepts for a habitable spacecraft derived from the Cygnus module in support of space exploration missions starting with Low Earth Orbit (LEO) / International Space Station (ISS) missions in Phase 1 and evolving the system capabilities toward cis-lunar and Mars transit applications. CU’s efforts will focus on the development of Design Reference Missions (DRM’s) beginning with lunar operations with extensibility to Mars, including the initial capability to demonstrate system performance in LEO and/or while attached to the ISS. A full-scale habitat mockup design and fabrication will accompany the analysis efforts in order to evaluate subsystem integration, volumetric layout, and human factor interactions, with emphasis on defining Crew Accommodations (CA) and Environmental Control and Life Support Subsystem (ECLSS) requirements and concepts. The project will be advised by the Bioastronautics Team; Dr. David Klaus, Dr. Jim Nabity, and Col. Jim Voss, along with one research assistant; Christine Chamberlain. Galley Panel N2 Tank Sleep Stations PCM Storage Airlock TCCS CAMRAS Exercise View looking to Port 81” 70” 30” 24” 31” 20” Node Habitat Figure 4: Data results- Rating sections of the Habitat (rating scale 1-6) The four testing categories of this project were habitability, operability, internal reconfigurability, and accessibility. Habitability focused on convenience, volume, exercise, privacy, public space, and the need for spatial dividers. Operability focused on productivity and efficiency. Internal reconfigurability focused on collapsible furniture and multi-use spaces. Accessibility focused on the location and types of storage and the speed of access. The tests conducted were split into four scenarios: a morning routine, standard daily work activities, an Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA), and an emergency exit or egress scenario. Each scenario was followed by filling out questionnaires prepared by the CHAMP team. These questionnaires assisted the team in collecting and analyzing all data for Orbital ATK. An example of one data result is shown above in Figure 4. Note that each section of the habitat is generally rated highly by the participants save for the galley. This data will be collected and presented to Orbital ATK, as well as suggestions for Phase 1 of the Cygnus study. Below are some volume analysis results. Hygiene Airlock PCM Sleep Stations Science Command Panel Technology Development Storage View looking to Starboard 81” 60” 22” 30” 40” Project Planning CHAMP Mock Up Design of Node Analysis of Node Construction Internal Frame Outer shell Human Factors Layout Design Internal Volume Design and Construction Interfaces Testing Test Plan Recruitment Analyze Data Compile Results From the end of the Fall 2015 Semester, the project had significant needs before testing could begin. Management split the group into Mock Up and Human Factors subteams. This strategy was in place until the mockup Cygnus and node were completed and testing was scheduled to begin. At that point the team was restructured into a Volume Analysis subteam and a Data Analysis subteam. These new subteams accomplished the final tasks of the previous subteams, with a strong focus on the requirements leveled on the team from both Orbital ATK and Col. Jim Voss. Figure 2: Model of internal stations, starboard side shown on top, port on bottom Interim Cis-lunar Habitat Total Functional Volume: NASA Net Habitable Volume (2015): 3531.5 Comparison to NASA 2015 suggestion: -1493.5 NASA Net Habitable Volume (2011): 2271.4 Comparison to NASA 2011 suggestion: -233.4 Module Pressurized Volume (ft^3) Subsystem Volume (ft^3) Habitable Volume (Pressurized - Subsystem) Functional Volume (ft^3) Orion 691 375 316 Hab 1730 237 1493 676 Node 1143 87 1056 1046 Total 3564 699 2865 2038 Future Work External Images Once data is analyzed, it will inform Orbital ATK what volume and layout issues need to be investigated further. The mockup is reconfigurable, so alternate layout configurations will be implemented and re-evaluated through human factors testing. Alongside volume and layout changes, the mockup can also become higher fidelity, to allow for a more accurate representation of the Cygnus module. This includes wiring the switches in the habitat to function when used. One such example would be working switches for the cabin lights on the command panel. Additionally, the storage represented underneath the floor will need access panels. The LifeLAB graduate project team will also update ECLSS subsystem component masses and volumes, which will need to be newly mocked up with volumetric representations in upcoming semesters. Figure 3: Internal stations in mockup, starboard shown on top, port on bottom The shell of the Cygnus mockup was built over the course of the semester. Materials include PVC fittings, conduit piping, and aluminum mylar. Acknowledgements Orbital ATK Col. Jim Voss Dr. Merri Sanchez Dr. David Klaus Dr. James Nabity Dr. Torin Clark Dr. Scott Palo Matt Rhode Trudy Schwartz Bobby Hodgkinson Christine Escobar Previous members of CHAMP Non-CHAMP construction assistants Test participants Figure 1: Main entrance to node mockup (left) and Main body of habitat (right) Spring 2016