Social Studies Window to the World: Lesson 2: Water Everywhere Materials needed: -Window to the World packet -Lesson 1 Ticket out the Door -one Writer’s Express book for each student or each pair of students (half of class only) -large world map for each student -5 different colored flags labeled 1-5 for each pair of students and sticky-tac -globes for pairs to share (half of class only) -3,2,1 Ticket out the Door
What are the continents and oceans on the Earth? The BIG Question: What are the continents and oceans on the Earth? Yesterday we learned the answer to this big question. Let’s see what you remember. How many continents are on the earth? (7) Turn to your partner. Name all 7 continents. What is the largest continent? (Asia) What is the smallest continent? (Australia) What continent do we live on? (North America) How many oceans are on the earth? (5) Turn to your partner. Name all 5 oceans.
Ticket Out the Door Oceans: Pacific Ocean ___ Southern Ocean ___ Indian Ocean ___ Atlantic Ocean ___ Arctic Ocean ___ 11 12 10 On your ticket out the door yesterday, you had to identify the seven continents and the five oceans on the map. I’m going to return your paper to you so you can see how you did. (pass back sheets) Use your red pencil to write the correct answer for any you had wrong. Let’s start with the continents. What number is North America on the map? * Europe? * Australia? * Asia? * South America? * Africa? * Antarctica? * Now let’s do the oceans. What number is the Pacific? * Southern? * Indian? * Atlantic? * Arctic? * Today, we have a new big question… 9 8 Continents: North America ___ Europe ___ Australia ___ Asia ___ South America ___ Africa ___ Antarctica ___ 6 5 4 3 7 1 2
What is unique about the Earth’s oceans? The BIG Question: What is unique about the Earth’s oceans? Would someone like to read it? Now we’ll focus on the largest bodies of water on the Earth. Besides oceans, what do you call the other large bodies of salt water on the Earth? (seas) Today, you’ll learn about the location of the major seas in the world and find out some other important facts about the five oceans. Find page 4 in your Window to the World packet…
Water Everywhere! About seventy percent of the Earth is covered with water. Each of these areas of water has a different name. The largest areas of water are oceans and seas. It is called Water Everywhere. Would someone like to read the top paragraph? (volunteer read) Here* is a view of the Earth rotating from space. (rotating Earth animation: You can really see just how much of our planet is covered with water. Let’s check out what you’re going to do to learn more about the world’s oceans and seas.
pg. 403 For the first activity, you will need a world map. Use your world map to find the major oceans, seas, and gulfs listed below and label them on your small map. Cross them out as you find them. Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean Arctic Ocean Southern Ocean Mediterranean Sea Bering Sea North Sea Black Sea Baltic Sea Caribbean Sea Sea of Japan Red Sea Caspian Sea Arabian Sea Persian Gulf Gulf of Mexico Can someone read number 1? (volunteer read) You are going to use the map on pg. 403 of the Writer’s Express book to help you label these oceans and seas. (have books ready for students) Write * pg. 403 to help you remember where to look.
______________________ Use the sticky-tac to put each flag on the correct ocean on the globe. Flag 1 = Pacific Ocean Flag 2 = Arctic Ocean Flag 3 = Atlantic Ocean Flag 4 = Indian Ocean Flag 5 = Southern Ocean List the five oceans of the world in order from largest to smallest. ______________________ Can someone read number 2? (volunteer read) (volunteer read – demonstrate how to attach flags) Look at the globe first to make your decision about size, but then check yourself on pg. 415 of the Writer’s Express book. There is a list there of the sizes of all the oceans. Write * pg. 415 on your sheet so you remember where to look. pg. 415
3. Now try to trace a path with your finger from Flag 1 to 5 in order without going over land. Can you go through all of the oceans without touching any land? ______ What does this tell you about all of the oceans in the world? ______________________________________________________ Can someone read number 3? (volunteer read) (demonstrate how to do) Can someone read number 4? (volunteer read) You will be working with a partner today. (assign partners) Since we only have 6 globes, half of you will start with number 1, and the other half will start with number 2 and 3. (assign starting points) (early finishers – do word search) For the next activity, you may use the world map or the globe. Besides oceans and seas, where else can water be found in our world? List your ideas in the space below. You will probably think of some that are not listed on your map or globe.
Left Side Pacific Ocean Bering Sea Gulf of Mexico Caribbean Sea Let’s start by going over your map. We’ll look at the left side first. Let’s start with the bottom bubble and work our way up. What did you write in * this bubble? * Pacific Ocean What did you write in * this bubble? * Caribbean Sea What did you write in * this bubble? * Gulf of Mexico What did you write in * this bubble? * Bering Sea Pacific Ocean
Right Side Now let’s go to the right side of your map. Black Sea Caspian Sea Persian Gulf Sea of Japan Right Side Red Sea Arabian Sea Now let’s go to the right side of your map. Let’s start with the bottom bubble and work our way up. What did you write in * this bubble? * Indian Ocean What did you write in * this bubble? * Arabian Sea What did you write in * this bubble? * Red Sea What did you write in * this bubble? * Sea of Japan What did you write in * this bubble? * Persian Gulf What did you write in * this bubble? * Black Sea What did you write in * this bubble? * Caspian Sea Indian Ocean
Middle Now let’s go to the middle of your map. Arctic Ocean Middle Baltic Sea North Sea Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean Now let’s go to the middle of your map. Let’s start with the bottom bubble and work our way up. What did you write in * this bubble? * Southern Ocean What did you write in * this bubble? * Atlantic Ocean What did you write in * this bubble? * Mediterranean Sea What did you write in * this bubble? * North Sea What did you write in * this bubble? * Baltic Sea What did you write in * this bubble? * Arctic Ocean Southern Ocean
______________________ Use the sticky-tac to put each flag on the correct ocean on the globe. Flag 1 = Pacific Ocean Flag 2 = Arctic Ocean Flag 3 = Atlantic Ocean Flag 4 = Indian Ocean Flag 5 = Southern Ocean List the five oceans of the world in order from largest to smallest. ______________________ 166,241,000 sq. km Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean 86,557,000 sq. km Now let’s check your list of oceans. The largest ocean has a size of…* What is it? * The second largest ocean has a size of…* What is it? * The third largest has a size of…* What is it? * The fourth largest has a size of…* What is it? * The smallest has a size of…* What is it? * You might also be wondering… Indian Ocean 73,427,000 sq. km Southern Ocean 20,327,000 sq. km Arctic Ocean 9,485,000 sq. km
What is the deepest spot in the oceans? Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench is the deepest point in Earth's oceans. The bottom there is 35,840 feet below sea level. If Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth, were placed at this location it would be covered by over one mile of water. The Challenger Deep is named after the British ship Challenger II, which discovered this deepest location in 1951. …what is the deepest spot in all the oceans? Let’s find out…* (volunteer read) Other deepest depths: Atlantic Ocean 30,246 ft Indian Ocean 24,460 ft Arctic Ocean 18,456 ft Southern Ocean 16,400 ft
All of the oceans are connected. They make one large ocean! 3. Now try to trace a path with your finger from Flag 1 to 5 in order without going over land. Can you go through all of the oceans without touching any land? ______ What does this tell you about all of the oceans in the world? ______________________________________________________ yes All of the oceans are connected. They make one large ocean! When you had your flags on your globe, were you able to trace a path without touching land? * What does that tell you about the oceans? * What other bodies of water did you come up with? (share ideas) For the next activity, you may use the world map or the globe. Besides oceans and seas, where else can water be found in our world? List your ideas in the space below. You will probably think of some that are not listed on your map or globe.
Sum it up! What did you learn? Now, it’s your turn to sum up what you learned today. Here was our big question for today… What did you learn?
What is unique about the Earth’s oceans? The BIG Question: What is unique about the Earth’s oceans? Can someone remind us? To show what you learned, I am going to give you a… 16
3 2 1 Ticket Out the Door largest oceans smallest oceans …Ticket out the Door called a 3, 2, 1. (pass out sheets) For the 3, I would like you to name the 3 * largest oceans. For the 2, I would like you to name the 2 * smallest oceans. For the 1, I would like you to write 1 * important thing to remember about Earth’s oceans. (give time to complete) 1 important thing to remember about Earth’s oceans (think about your flags)