P.E. NOTE: Mr. Brooks
Let Me Introduce Myself I’m an Oregon Duck fan Three beautiful children I love traveling with my family Contact information: jbrooks@dsdmail.net (best way) 801-402-6240 NOTE: Insert a photo of yourself or a picture that illustrates/represents your content area or one of your hobbies. To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Give parents/students a little information about who you are. Keep this short to the point in no more than 3 bulleted statements that tell something unique/interesting/personal about you. For example, you may list a few of your favorite things, something you are passionate about, family, hobbies, education, accomplishments, etc. Provide your contact information.
Our Focus on Learning 7th-9th Grade PE 7th- 4 main basic sports (Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Softball) 8th-9th – Lots of different sports, including creating your own Pre/Post FITT test for all grades NOTE: Add the title of your course. For example: Our Focus on Learning Earth Science In as few words as possible, list what students will know and/or be able to do at the end of the year (or semester). This could be a bulleted list or a sentence.
Classroom Policies and Procedures If you miss a day you have 3 weeks to make it up. The only exception to that is at the end of a term 7th grade will have a written test per sport. You can have 1 retake per sport. Study guides are on my website The format for creating your sport is on my website. NOTE: List rules/policies/procedures specific to your classroom (as opposed to school-wide policies/procedures). Consider policies for tardies/absences, late/missing work, homework/testing. Consider procedures for turning in work, picking up handouts and assignments when returning from an absence, etc. Also conside
Supply List PE approved clothing, including shoes. Clothing can be purchased in the office or online A folder for your FITT papers We supply gym lockers and combinations NOTE: List what parents need to provide and what students need to bring to class everyday, like pens/paper, calculator, colored pencils, highlighters, reading book, pocket folders, 3-ring binders, dividers, instruments, clothing/shoes, etc. Also, list any materials that will be required for projects/presentations that parents may need to plan for, like tri-fold display board, pop bottles for rockets, fabric, paints, popsicle sticks, string, straws, etc.
How to Get an A in this Course Dressed in PE clothes each day Participate each day and give your best effort Make up absences right away NOTE: This slide may be optional This slide is where you set your expectations for the course and let parents know how to help their students be successful.
basketball NOTE: Mr. Brooks
Let Me Introduce Myself Masters in Psychosocial Aspects of Sport Major in Physical Education Minor in Spanish Education Contact information: jbrooks@dsdmail.net (best way) 801-402-6240 NOTE: Insert a photo of yourself or a picture that illustrates/represents your content area or one of your hobbies. To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Give parents/students a little information about who you are. Keep this short to the point in no more than 3 bulleted statements that tell something unique/interesting/personal about you. For example, you may list a few of your favorite things, something you are passionate about, family, hobbies, education, accomplishments, etc. Provide your contact information.
Our Focus on Learning Team Sports- Basketball Every Monday will be skill work Different team tournaments Students will create own skill challenge competitions NOTE: Add the title of your course. For example: Our Focus on Learning Earth Science In as few words as possible, list what students will know and/or be able to do at the end of the year (or semester). This could be a bulleted list or a sentence.
Classroom Policies and Procedures Any day you miss must be made up within 3 weeks by playing basketball No written tests! Pre/Post FITT Testing NOTE: List rules/policies/procedures specific to your classroom (as opposed to school-wide policies/procedures). Consider policies for tardies/absences, late/missing work, homework/testing. Consider procedures for turning in work, picking up handouts and assignments when returning from an absence, etc. Also conside
Supply List PE approved clothing, including shoes. Clothing can be purchased in the office or online A folder for your FITT papers A reward for the person/team that wins your skill challenge NOTE: List what parents need to provide and what students need to bring to class everyday, like pens/paper, calculator, colored pencils, highlighters, reading book, pocket folders, 3-ring binders, dividers, instruments, clothing/shoes, etc. Also, list any materials that will be required for projects/presentations that parents may need to plan for, like tri-fold display board, pop bottles for rockets, fabric, paints, popsicle sticks, string, straws, etc.
How to Get an A in this Course Dressed in PE clothes each day Participate each day and give your best effort Make up absences right away NOTE: This slide may be optional This slide is where you set your expectations for the course and let parents know how to help their students be successful.
health NOTE: Mr. Brooks
Let Me Introduce Myself Graduated from U of U I’ve lived in Oregon, Alaska, Spain, and now Utah Favorite movie is the Lord of the Rings trilogy Contact information: jbrooks@dsdmail.net (best way) 801-402-6240 NOTE: Insert a photo of yourself or a picture that illustrates/represents your content area or one of your hobbies. To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Give parents/students a little information about who you are. Keep this short to the point in no more than 3 bulleted statements that tell something unique/interesting/personal about you. For example, you may list a few of your favorite things, something you are passionate about, family, hobbies, education, accomplishments, etc. Provide your contact information.
Our Focus on Learning Health Education Show knowledge of subjects by formal and informal tests Turn in all work completed to show understanding of material Be able to work with and help others by understanding who they are and how they operate NOTE: Add the title of your course. For example: Our Focus on Learning Earth Science In as few words as possible, list what students will know and/or be able to do at the end of the year (or semester). This could be a bulleted list or a sentence.
Classroom Policies and Procedures Up to 1 retake on a test per unit, but must have all work turned in for that unit prior to retake No deductions in academic grade for turning in work late, but can’t go past the end of term due date to receive credit. Every two assignments turned in late is a deduction of citizenship. If you don’t turn in an assignment when it’s due then plan on working on it at Lunch and Learn NOTE: List rules/policies/procedures specific to your classroom (as opposed to school-wide policies/procedures). Consider policies for tardies/absences, late/missing work, homework/testing. Consider procedures for turning in work, picking up handouts and assignments when returning from an absence, etc. Also conside
Supply List Paper, pencil, planner Folder/Binder NOTE: List what parents need to provide and what students need to bring to class everyday, like pens/paper, calculator, colored pencils, highlighters, reading book, pocket folders, 3-ring binders, dividers, instruments, clothing/shoes, etc. Also, list any materials that will be required for projects/presentations that parents may need to plan for, like tri-fold display board, pop bottles for rockets, fabric, paints, popsicle sticks, string, straws, etc.
How to Get an A in this Course Have all assignments turned in completed Show mastery of subject matter through formal and informal tests If you aren’t successful on your test, plan on retaking it after studying what you didn’t understand. NOTE: This slide may be optional This slide is where you set your expectations for the course and let parents know how to help their students be successful.