Dr Stuart McGugan Academic Practice Advisor LEAP Enhancing Learning and Teaching through the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice Dr Stuart McGugan Academic Practice Advisor LEAP
PCAP: who is it for? Anyone employed at the University of Hull and its partner colleges, involved in teaching and supporting learning, without a recent and relevant teaching qualification in Higher Education. Level 7 teaching qualification 3 modules over 15 months Participants teaching at least 30 hours per semester 2 cohorts – 25 each academic year Aligned to UKPSF - FHEA http://www2.hull.ac.uk/administration/leap/academic_practice/development-opportunities/pcap.aspx
Enhancing practice through Structured critical reflection Peer observation of teaching Modelling of practice Communities of practice Research projects in learning and teaching
Impact? The degree of satisfaction of programme participants The impact of the programme on participants (approaches to teaching) Impact on the learners taught by the programme participants (approaches to learning) Trigwell, K., Rodriguez, K., Han, F. (2012) Assessing the impact of a university teaching development programme, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 37(4) 499-511 Why this approach? Stems from a paper by Keith Trigwell that includes a review of the impact of university teaching development programmes Makes the point - majority of studies try to evaluate impact tend to use pre-determined frameworks of what success might look like Try to measure this using various scales… Groups studies into different kinds Gibbs – Approaches to teaching Inventory Scale (ATI) Nothing wrong with this – there may be other kinds of impact we haven’t thought about Limitation of quantitative approaches - How much do we really know about the individuals who provided the data in the first place? Leads to interest in IPA