‘Space’ at junior world May 2017
‘Aliens love underpants’ We took the children’s choice of book by voting. Which started our theme of ‘space’ and ‘planets in the room’. Alien’s love underpants linked in with Rhyme, New silly words, and Patterns. Each child created their own pants for our wall display.
What do you want to learn?
James from cantraybridge college has been volunteering with us for a couple of weeks and enjoyed creating our ‘rocket ship’ for our role play corner. Rocket Ships.... The children voted for either ‘planets’ or ‘rockets’ this came to an even vote so we have carried out both topics throughout the past couple weeks. James using tin foil to create our role play corner!
Astronauts... All of the children were excited when we resourced white and red suits to pretend we were ‘Spacemen’, Special Thank you to Elena for providing our space helmet.
Space throughout the room... “Look it is a rocket ship!!” Making Planet Earth with sticking and gluing!! Play dough planets!
Parent Comments... “We have been talking about ‘space’ at home and she has enjoyed learning new planets” “He has loved the topic “space”, he turned my car into a spaceship with all the doors open!!” “She has learnt a lot with this topic and is able to identify which planets are hot and cold” “He now has space bed covers, space curtains and a space play room!” “We have bought space stickers for his reward chart at home!” “She really enjoyed the homework activity and it was good to see what she has learnt in such a small amount of time!” “I have been told that your classroom has been taken over by ‘space’, he loves coming to nursery to see the rocket ship!”
Curriculum areas we have covered.. Technology: We used ICT and different software to research ‘space’ Expressive Arts: All children were involved in creating our room into space, and making their own Underpants. Literacy: We introduced new words to the children and used mark making to create planets. Science: We talked about science stories and began to understand space and the world around them ‘planet earth’ Social Studies: All children had the chance to explore our environment and find out how we care for ‘Planet earth’. Mathematics: All children were involved in numeracy activities which linked to ‘space’. All children enjoyed being able to display their own work around the room and outside the room to show parents at collection and drop of time.