Recommended Population and Housing Census Topics Malawi National Statistical Office Presented by Medson Makwemba United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: International Standards and Contemporary Technologies Lusaka, Zambia 20 - 23 March 2017
Introduction National Statistical office is mandated to conduct population and housing census every 10 years It has conducted 5 population censuses since 1966: 1966, 1977, 1987, 1998 and 2008 It is planning to conduct Population and Housing Census in 2018 which is within the 2020 round of Population and Housing Census The topics that will be included in the census have been agreed upon by stakeholders NSO background to be given by Isaac
Factors for the choice of the topics Topics for 2018 Malawi Population and Housing Census have been determined by the following considerations: The needs of data users in the country at both the national and local area level International comparability, both within the region and worldwide The willingness and ability of the public to give accurate information on the topics
Factors for the choice of the topics Resources available Alternative data sources Regard to the usefulness of historical continuity, which provides the opportunity for comparison of changes over a period of time
List of the topics for 2018 population and housing census
1.Geographic and Internal migration Place of usual residence Place where present at time of census Place of birth Duration of residence Place of previous residence Place of residence at a specified date in the past Locality (Traditional Authority/ward; village/place) Urban and rural
2. International Migration Country of birth Country of citizenship Country of destination Year of departure Activity abroad Remittances
3. Household and family characteristics Relationship to head of household Household and family composition
4. Demographic and social characteristics Sex Age Marital status Religion Tribe/ethnicity Disability status Birth certificate National ID On disability status we have added a question on abinism
5. Fertility and mortality Children ever born alive Children living Date of birth of last child born alive Birth in the past 12 months Deaths among children born past 12 months Age at first marriage Household deaths in the past 12 months Maternal or paternal orphan-hood
6. Educational characteristics Literacy School attendance Education attainment (class/grade) Educational qualification Vocation training
7. Economic characteristics Labour force status Status in employment Occupation Industry
8. Housing (1/2) Type of dwelling unit Location of dwelling unit Tenure of dwelling unit Construction material of the roof Construction material of the outer walls Construction material of the floor
8. Housing (2/2) Number of rooms Number of room used for sleeping Number of occupants Drinking water – main source Type of toilet facility (sharing) Source of energy used for lighting Source or energy used for cooking Assets (ICT devices, durable) Access to the Internet from home
Challenges Not be able to accommodate all topics/questions suggested by stakeholders Computer assisted coding: occupation and industry Interviewer manual : paper/softcopy
Opportunities South-South collaboration Principles and recommendations for Population and Housing Census Use of CAPI offers flexibility in terms of adding and removing some of questions Capacity building – US Bureau of Census
Recommended population and housing topics Geographic and Internal migration International migration Household and family Demographic and social Fertility and mortality Education Economic characteristics Housing Agriculture NSO is still discussing with the Ministry of Agriculture on the type and number of questions to add to the census