Pilot Country Update Belgium
Some numbers Kick off January 2016 – mailing campaign to >1000 Flemish schools Ten schools registered for the pre-pilot activities Second recruitment September 2016 Extra seven schools registered for the pre-pilot activities At the end we kept ten schools in the running: one or two teachers participated in each school Participating students: 182 experimental & 148 control
Models of implementation - Group 1 Coach Tom Van den Broeck Workshop 1: introduction to ATS2020 – focus on e-Portfolio platform (Apr’16) Workshop 2: introduction to transversal skills (May ‘16) Coaches Philip Lambrechts & Glenn Vermeiren Workshop 3: development of LD and e-portfolio Workshop 4: integration of digital tools ATS2020.be
Models of implementation – Group 2 Coaches Philip Lambrechts & Glenn Vermeiren Workshop 1: focus on LD and research (Nov ‘16) Workshop 2: training in ICT-tools and LD (Nov ‘16) Workshop 3: implementation of e-portfolio (Dec ‘16) Workshop 4: summary learning designs, e-portfolio, research, show moment LD (Dec ’16) Cross pollination members of Group 1 and 2: exchange of LD and reflection on experiences with e-portfolio (Jan ‘17) Personal support in each school (Feb > May ‘17) – support on demand (e-mail and Skype Oct > Dec ‘17)
Learning environment ATS2020.be – forum Google Drive KlasCement
Learning cycle Example of Thibaut and Lien – Middenschool Geraardsbergen Project ‘Van rookpluim tot smartphone’ – focus communication Skills: information literacy, autonomous learning, creativity and innovation Tools: Nearpod, YouTube, Ppt and Mahara Use of rubrics for the evaluation of the project Spread over two weeks
ePortfolio’s two examples My learning hebben ze niet gebruikt http://mahara.ats2020.eu/view/view.php?id=13866 http://mahara.ats2020.eu/view/view.php?id=15756
LDs two examples Macro level learning design Puberty – Anja Bal Macro level learning design Food & Drink – Ann Bosmans
LDs Puberty Prowise Answergarden EdPuzzle: example one and example two
Experiences to share To fill out a coaching report before contact > to prepare and respond to their needs A portal as KlasCement is a lever for dissemination Focus on digital and non-digital tools Personal contact and support in the schools Sharing experience of our northern neighbours: book ‘Learning in the 21st century’
Challenges Participation of the schools (freedom of education) > breaking ‘conventional walls’ (curricula, lesson plans…) Motivation of participants (bottom up <> top down) Limited knowledge (and support in their own school) of the participants to set up Mahara or Seesaw Limited budget and staff for a convincing implementation of the project, especially for research related activities – 1FTE for Flanders Evaluation: alternatives for Mahara > Seesaw, Sesame, Exibi Domination of Smartschool in Flemish education Stimulation and inspiration by pedagogical coaches and teacher education (long term effect)
Positive notes Innovative focus on learning processes: instruction, education and evalution Exchange of experiences and coaching in schools Exchange of international experiences You pave a new learning path when you start walking on it