UTAH MULTI-TIERED SYSTEM OF SUPPORTS What are the components of the UMTSS framework? Which components help facilitate sustained implementation of evidence-based practices? How are the UMTSS components interrelated? How does the framework align with other district and state initiatives and priorities?
MTSS is . . . An equitable-access framework. An overarching framework for school improvement. A framework designed to address the academic and behavioral needs of all students. A framework for systems change.
Definition frame·work (frāmwûrk), n. 1 Definition frame·work (frāmwûrk), n. 1. A supporting structure around which something can be built.
tie beam rafter corner stud header door frame window sill sub floor foundation
UMTSS Framework 7. Instructionally-Relevant Assessments that are Reliable and Valid, and have Multiple Purposes (Universal Screening, Diagnostics, and Progress Monitoring) 6. Effective Core Instruction, Continuum of Increasingly Intense Evidence-Based Interventions, and Data-Informed Decision-Making (Core, Supplemental, & Intensive) 5. An Evaluation Process that Monitors Fidelity of Implementation and Student Outcomes 4. Evidence-Based Professional Development with Ongoing Coaching and Technical Assistance 3. Alignment of Policies, Procedures, and Resources across Classroom, School, District, and State Levels 2. Communication, Political Support, and Parent Engagement 1. Leadership, Effective Teaming, and Problem Solving
Implementing and sustaining an MTSS framework is a complex process, which can be made more challenging by some of the unique features of the states we live in.
Facts About Utah Schools Approximately 600,000 students (1,072 schools) 41 school districts (Range: 200 to 70,000 students) 96 charter schools Pupil-Teacher Ratio: 22 students (Among highest in the nation)* Ranked last in the nation in per pupil spending* A limited system of rural highways separate communities and make travel to provide professional development activities challenging *Source: National Center for Education Statistics
Poll Question What type of MTSS-implementation model do you use? State to Region, State to District, or State to School.
UMTSS FRAMEWORK COMPONENTS RELATED TO SUSTAINED IMPLEMENTATION Effective Teaming Data-Informed Decision Making Evidence-Based Professional Development with Ongoing Coaching Our current SPDG, 2012-2017, is a state to district model with emphasis on effective teaming, DIDM, and EBPD.
Complexity Requires Group Success EFFECTIVE TEAMING Complexity Requires Group Success “We’re all specialists now, even the primary care physicians. We have trained, hired and rewarded people to be cowboys. But it’s pit crews that we need, pit crews for patients.” (Atul Gawande, 2012)
WHY TEAMS? Effective teams tolerate turnover. They are sustainable even when the players come and go (Higgins, Weiner, & Young, 2012; Klest & Patras, 2011). Practices with a team-based approach to implementation are more likely to achieve adequate fidelity of implementation and see improved outcomes (Fixsen, Blase, Duda, Naoom, & Van Dyke, 2010).
UMTSS FRAMEWORK COMPONENTS RELATED TO SUSTAINED IMPLEMENTATION Effective Teaming Data-Informed Decision-Making Evidence-Based Professional Development with Ongoing Coaching
Factors Related to Sustained Implementation of Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support McIntosh, et al. (2013). Exceptional Children, 79, 293-311 School Level - Team Use of Data* School team/staff skill, functioning, regular meetings, data collection, use of data for decision making, presenting data to staff District Level - Capacity Building* Access to district coaching, professional development, and connections to similar schools *Significant independent predictors related to sustained implementation
(Fullan & Stiegelbauer, 1991. p. 197) INITIATIVE OVERLOAD “One of the most critical problems our schools face is not resistance to innovation, but the fragmentation, overload, and incoherence resulting from the uncritical and uncoordinated acceptance of too many different innovations.” (Fullan & Stiegelbauer, 1991. p. 197)
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How is your state working to ensure that LEAs implement evidence-based professional development? What does coaching support look like at each level and how are coaches trained? What technology tools is your state using to provide LEA support for MTSS implementation?