Local Family Justice Board News
Care cases
Care Duration 2011/12 = Average 59 weeks. 2012/13 = Average 45 weeks. 2013 – Identified as a Focus LFJB Cases between 30-49 weeks = 141 50-79 weeks = 81 80 + weeks = 47
And in 2014/15 VIDEO
Family Justice Review Poor assessments The nature of families – they can be avoidant, chaotic, hostile and hard to assess Workforce/skill limitations Risk aversion (serial, duplicate assessments) Lack of case management continuity and urgency (practical issues like listing) In 2013 GM became a ‘focus’ LFJB to be worked with more closely
And now… Greater Manchester (KPI’s) 24.6 average weeks (E&W 26.6) 69.8% conclude in 26 wks (E&W 60.9%) 3.7 average no. of hrgs (E&W 5.1)
And in Private Law Greater Manchester (KPI’s) 73.5% listed for FHDRA within 6 weeks of application (E&W 61.3%) 20.4 Average weeks from receipt to final order (E&W 22.6)
And…. With increasing case numbers and no end in sight on numbers reducing Comparing FYT December 2015 – 2016 11% higher in private law = 363 applications 16.8% higher in public law = 89 applications MOJ are providing additional sitting days
So how have we done it? Focus on FJB’s ToRs reducing delay in public law cases and making progress against the proposed 26-week time limit for care cases; resolving private law cases out of court where appropriate; building greater cross-agency coherence; and tackling variations in local performance
continued Overcoming a blame culture and establishing a take responsibility culture and issues being worked through in the true spirit of working together The forums to provide feedback whether positively or negatively for all professions. The system of open discussion has been powerful in surfacing issues Action plan – 37 actions, reduced to 9 key actions The commitment of the Court Staff who work tirelessly with pride and commitment Orders being turned around in 48 hours from approval by the allocated Judge or Legal Adviser Implementation of the Discharge Protocol – reducing the timetable to 10 weeks Continuity of Judiciary and Cafcass
continued E-filing (public) Pre-Proceedings Parenting Plans The rebuilding of the social work profession. The Court Craft Training event that took place in November 2016 attracted 96 delegates. The date for the next event is the 23rd June 2017 Workforce development and praise from the judiciary has enhanced confidence. Advice and guidance on doing things better Children’s Access Tours. The next Children’s Access Tour will take on the 4th April 2017. This event will be aimed at children aged 10 years or younger
continued Free Education and Training and lunch time workshops has been exceptional with speakers using their own time. Such generosity to help and pitch in to improve The seminars so far delivered have included Section 20, forced marriage, FGM, Radicalisation, Police Disclosure, The Samaritans and Private/Public law update. The forthcoming seminars will include Serious Case Reviews in the North West, Relate and Women Offenders. Over 500 people have attended the various events True ethos of Single Family Court and the magistrates tier working closely together
Going forward Continue to promote working together Openness and transparency – improved cascading of information Achieve further consistency where possible across all LA’s Ensure Court Room availability Introduction of Wifi at the CJC Improve pre-proceedings work even further Use the “quick wins” available to you Better use of Mediation Services in private law matters Continue with the excellent training
Recognition December 2016 PISG agreed that GM be removed from the group of focus LFJB’s. It is recognised that there remain considerable challenges ahead for GM… However, there’s nothing to suggest that GM is not at least as well placed as others to tackle them