Session Chair Information Academic Excellence Showcase Session Chair Information
About Showcase Showcase is Thursday, June 1st 2017 The Academic Excellence Showcase is an entire day dedicated to the celebration of student scholarly activities. Most faculty will choose to cancel classes so that students can attend their peers’presentations. Showcase is Thursday, June 1st 2017 This event is brought to you by: Program for Undergraduate Research Experiences (PURE) AES Planning Committee Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Western’s Mission The Academic Excellence Showcase reflects Western’s commitment to, “Promote academic excellence in an engaged student-focused learning environment.” Showcase helps Western meet its goals to: 4.4 Promote interdisciplinary courses and degree programs that support collaborative and multidimensional educational experiences and pathways. 5.1 Create opportunities for all undergraduate programs to include high- impact activities that support achievement of undergraduate learning outcomes. 5.2 Create opportunities for all graduate programs to include high-impact activities that support attainment of graduate learning outcomes. 5.3 Continue and enhance support for undergraduate research experience, presentation and publication opportunities.
Session Chairs Your role as a session chair is critical to the success of the showcase!
Session Chairs Overview Propose a session: Complete the 2017 online Session Chair Submission Form by Monday, week two of Spring Term. Promote your session: Announce your session to students and colleagues. Seek student submissions. Ask colleagues to sponsor their students. Manage student submissions: Set an internal deadline for students to complete the Student Proposal to Present form. We recommend week four of Spring Term. Carefully review and edit all submissions. Assign presentation order. Final deadline for edits is week five of Spring Term. Plan & Practice: Assist students with planning and practicing their presentations (or remind faculty sponsors to do this).
1 Session Chairs Propose a session Choose a session format: Presentations Performances Poster Sessions Panel discussions Or propose a new format. For example in a workshop format, student presenters could lead participants though hands-on exercises that showcase lessons they developed or new methodologies.
Session Chairs Propose a session Session Chair Submission Form (online): Confirm session chair information Indicate session format Request session length Indicate preferred scheduling Indicate seating capacity and AV/equipment Request tickets and session aids
Session Chairs Propose a session Indicate your preferred schedule: Presentations, performances & Panel Discussions Indicate your preferred schedule: Morning is 8:00 to noon Afternoon is 1:00 to 5:00 pm Evening is 5:00 to 8:00 pm You session does not need to fill a whole time block. Morning and Afternoon sessions that run for multiple hours will be scheduled a coffee/tea break mid session.
Session Chairs Propose a session Indicate your preferred schedule: Posters Indicate your preferred schedule: Morning session from 9:00 to 11:00 am Mid-day session from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Afternoon session from 2:00 to 4:00 pm Evening session from 5:00 to 7:00 pm Posters are displayed in multi-disciplinary groups in the Pacific room in the Werner University Center. Refreshments are offered at each poster session.
2 Session Chairs Promote Your Session Promote your session by: Reaching out to colleagues and encouraging them to sponsor their students who are doing projects Assign a project in a class and offer to sponsor students who complete excellent work Consider having students completing a capstone present their work Ask colleagues to put Showcase on their spring syllabi schedules Ask colleagues to encourage attendance at your session by making it an extra credit opportunity
3 Session Chairs Manage Student Submissions Student Proposal to Present form: You will be sent a link to the form. This link is specific to your session Distribute the link to students and faculty sponsors Students will enter information about themselves and their presentations Students submit an abstract or uploaded a visual file
Session Chairs Manage Student Submissions Guide Students and faculty sponsors: Supply students and faculty sponsors with example abstracts that you wish for them to model Help students and faculty sponsors pace themselves. Provide reminders Encourage multiple drafts of abstracts with feedback Set an internal Deadline (recommended: week 4) that gives you time to proof and edit prior to the Showcase deadline (week 5) After week five, what is written in the your Student Submissions Spreadsheet is what will be put in the program.
Session Chairs Manage Student Submissions Student Proposal to Present form: The form will generate a Google spreadsheet Please do not adjust or change the columns or organization of the spread sheet
Session Chairs Manage Student Submissions TIP: click in a cell; enlarge the formula bar and proof Student Proposal to Present form: Carefully proof submissions Assign presentation order (column A) Indicate the time allotted to each presentation (column B) Decide how long each student will be given to present. Please use multiples of 15 minutes for scheduling presentation length: 15, 30, 45 or 60 minute intervals. This aligns with the overall showcase schedule and allow attendees to switch seamlessly between sessions.
Session Chairs Manage Student Submissions Examples of Proceeding formatted Session and Presentations:
4 Session Chairs Plan and Practice One to Two weeks before Set up mock sessions for students to practice their presentation Print posters and mount them for display on an easel Tip: avoid the week 9 rush at the print shop by printing week 8 or earlier Meet with presenters and finalize plans Visit the location of your session and encourage student presenters to do so as well Remind students that they should check in before their session at the information desk (lower level, WUC) to pick up their presenter badge Notify the Showcase Team of any critical last-minute corrections for inclusion in an errata page (Due Monday of week eight)
Showcase day Arrive to well in advance of your Session Check in at the information desk at the lower level of the Werner University Center. You get a badge too! Introduce yourself to any Session Aides. Let them know how you want them to help (e.g. hand out tickets, seat audience, provide time clues to keep presenters on schedule) Check the A/V equipment Keep your speakers on schedule, and do not advance presenters ahead of their listed times Questions? Contact the Showcase team! or visit the AES webpage:
Timeline Monday, Week 2 of Spring Term April 10, 2017 Deadlines by Week Date Description Monday, Week 2 of Spring Term April 10, 2017 Session Chair Submission Form Closes Friday, Week 2 of Spring Term April 14, 2017 Links to Student Proposal to Present Form Sent to Session Chairs Friday, Week 5 of Spring Term May 5, 2017 Student Proposal to Present Form Closes Spreadsheet Closes to Session Chairs Please proof all entries prior to this deadline Week 7 of Spring Term May 15-19, 2017 Session Chairs Meet with Presenters to Finalize Plans and Confirm Scheduling Monday, Week 8 of Spring Term May 22, 2017 Last Chance to Edit Presenter Information or Abstracts for Inclusion in Errata Page Thursday, Week 9 of Spring Term June 1, 2017 Academic Excellence Showcase
SPECIAL EVENTS Does your event celebrate student academic excellence but is not a presentation of student work by students? Organized the the beginning of the program Featured in a two page spread INFORMATION For more information, links to the Session Chair Submission Form and the Other Events Form, and a timeline of relevant deadlines, please visit the Academic Excellence Showcase website at:
Thank You for your role in making the Academic Excellence Showcase a success!