World’s top ten retouched photographs | Diego Pérez Cheda The Prehistory of Photoshop
#1 The first image could be the first photography with digital modification, Franco in the original photo appears with the enclosed eyes but mysteriously in the publication opens the eyes for the photographer.
#2 In this picture we can see the original photography of the platform of Hendaye entirely empty, whereas it compares with the registered like official where appear “together” the bodies of the dictators and of a German soldier.
When in the summer of 1968 Fidel Castro (right) approves of the Soviet intervention in Czechoslovakia, Carlos Franqui (middle) cuts off relations with the regime and goes into exile in Italy. His image was removed from photographs #3
In this doctored photograph, Mao Tse-tung (right) had Po Ku (left) removed from the original photograph, after Po Ku fell out of favor with Mao. #4
One of the first cases of photographic retouching in the world occurs in the famous photography of the soldier that raises the flag on the Reichstag, there, to simple sight, and with so little definition, is hard to realize where the modification is. But the Museum of Berlin confirms that the one who took the photography, Yevgueni Chaldej, was working on the image, in the process of revealed, since he removed carefully two clocks that the soldier carried on his hands (stolen to his victims). #5
#6 The famous picture that became worldwide known when the modification was detected as one of the rockets didn't work as expected at an army weapon test in Teheran.
#7 Even though many people belieft that the original picture was the one which is doctored, the fact is that the formerly president of the US had the book on its right side. But it could had easily happened.
This photo belongs to 1942. The fact that someone was holding Mussolini's horse wouldn't let the photo to adquire an heroic character, therefore, the man holding the horse was "removed" and it's done. #8
#9 In this photography, we can see Stalin with some cooperating mates. Mysteriously, the short man by his side dissapears in the doctored picture. It seems that this man was executed and he wasn't worthy to appear side by side with Stalin.
#10 When presented with doctored images of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protest participants recalled the event as larger and more violent (shown in the lower panel is the doctored image in which the crowd was added).