Annual Meeting Local School System NBPTS Contacts May 9, 2017 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards- State and Local Aid Incentive Program Annual Meeting Local School System NBPTS Contacts May 9, 2017
Objectives Review the State and Local Aid Incentive Program Requirements for Certification and Renewal Examine Third Party Billing Procedures Review Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Discuss NBConnect
Maryland Support of National Board Certified Educators State and Local Aid Incentive Program Continuing Professional Development Credits Quality Teacher Stipend
Md. Education Code Ann. §6-112 COMAR 13A.07.08
13A.07.08.03- Eligibility Criteria A. In order to be eligible to receive financial aid to pursue initial NBPTS certification, a candidate shall: (1) Have completed 3 years of successful teaching on a Maryland professional certificate at one or more early childhood, elementary, middle, or secondary public schools; (2) Hold a valid Maryland professional certificate; (3) Affirm voluntary participation in the NBPTS certification process; (4) Comply with the deadlines as specified by the Department and NBPTS; and (5) Demonstrate teaching practice in designated fields as identified by the NBPTS.
13A.07.08.03- Eligibility Criteria B. In order to be eligible to receive financial aid to pursue renewal of the NBPTS certificate, a candidate shall: (1) Hold a valid Maryland professional certificate; and (2) Comply with the deadlines as specified by the Department and NBPTS. C. In order to be eligible to receive financial aid to pursue retake, a candidate shall: (2) Pursue the NBPTS certificate within the next assessment cycle immediately following the cycle in which the candidate does not achieve National Board certification. D. A local school system may establish additional criteria for eligibility.
COMAR 13A.07.08.04- Selection A. Each participating local school system shall: (1) Establish a diverse selection committee representative of the educational community to include, but not be limited to, classroom teachers, National Board certified teachers, school administrators, and local teacher association members who are classroom teachers; (2) Establish and publicize written criteria, including the criteria identified in Regulation .03 of this chapter for the selection of candidates;
COMAR 13A.07.08.04- Selection (3) Forward names of initial candidates for the financial incentive program to the State Board of Education by January 1 with the following information: (a) Name; (b) Candidate code; (c) Signed, notarized memorandum of understanding that specifies the candidate's financial responsibility if the candidate does not complete the assessment process; (d) The NBPTS certificate area; (e) Confirmation of verification of eligibility as identified in Regulation .03 of this chapter; and (f) Verification that the selection procedures specified in this regulation were followed; and
COMAR 13A.07.08.04- Selection (4) Forward names of renewal candidates for the financial incentive program to the State Board of Education by January 1 with the information required under Regulation .04A(3)(a)—(c) of this chapter. B. The State Board of Education shall select initial, renewal, and retake candidates for National Board certification by February 1 and promptly notify the respective school system and candidates in writing.
COMAR 13A.07.08.05-Credits A. A candidate who receives a National Board certificate shall earn six credits toward the renewal of the Maryland professional certificate. B. A candidate who completes the National Board certification process, but who does not receive a National Board certificate, shall earn three credits toward the renewal of the Maryland professional certificate.
COMAR 13A.07.08.06-Costs Costs for the fee charged by NBPTS shall be shared in the following manner: A. The State Board of Education shall pay 2/3 of the National Board certification fee, and the local school system shall pay 1/3 of the National Board certification fee for an initial or renewal candidate; B. Subject to the annual appropriation by the Maryland General Assembly, the State Board of Education may pay 2/3 of the National Board certification fee, and the local school system may pay 1/3 of the National Board certification fee, for a candidate to pursue one retake for National Board certification; and C. A candidate who does not complete the National Board certification process shall reimburse the State Board of Education the full amount of the aid, and the State Board of Education shall reimburse the local school system its share.
Roles and Responsibilities
2017-2018 Timeline August 31, 2017 October, 2017 (tentative) LSS Selection Spreadsheet (email) MOUs (notarized copy required) Verification of Selection Procedures (email or hard copy) October, 2017 (tentative) MD State Board of Education confirms 2017-2018 Initial, Renewal, and Retake candidates
2017-2018 Timeline November, 2017 No later than December 31, 2017 MSDE sends email letter of confirmation to Initial (1st year), Renewal, and Retake candidates (does not include continuing candidates) No later than December 31, 2017 Candidates MUST register and make their accounts accessible to third party payers
2017-2018 Timeline January 31, 2018 No later than June 30, 2018 MSDE submits payment No later than June 30, 2018 MSDE will invoice local school systems
Memorandums of Understanding
LSS Documentation Selection Form (spreadsheet) Verification of Selection Form MOUs
National Board Candidate Management System Overview Account Creation Applicant Registration Certification Registration Component Registration
Withdrawal Procedures First-time candidates who have not completed a component(s) can withdraw their registration through their National Board account prior to the withdrawal deadline by clicking “Service Requests” from the left-hand navigation menu. Note: Candidates must first withdraw all currently purchased components before they will be permitted to withdraw their entire registration If the withdrawal deadline has passed OR if the candidate has completed one or more components in a previous cycle, they can withdraw their registration by contacting the NBPTS Customer Support team – this service is not available online Candidates must alert the LSS when they withdrawal The LSS must alert MSDE when a candidate withdrawals by resubmitting the Selection form
Repayment of Funds A candidate who does not complete the National Board certification process (i.e., earn a certificate) shall reimburse the State Board of Education the full amount of the aid, and the State Board of Education shall reimburse the local school system its share MSDE will invoice the candidate Report of “expired” candidates (NBPTS)
BRFA 2017 Quality Teacher Incentive Act Verbiage changed from “shall” to “may” fund FY 2018 is funded $2000 for comprehensive needs schools $1000 for non-comprehensive needs schools FY 2019 (as of today) $4000 for comprehensive needs schools
Continuing Professional Development Credits (CPDs) LSS CPD Liaisons should issue as they would any other CPD (15-00-33) Work internally to establish procedures Documentation should be uploaded into the Educator Information System (EIS) via LSS Office of Certification
CPDs- Continued Completion of program, no certificate Completion of program is defined as submitting all of the Components 3 credits Completion of program with certificate Earned certificate 6 credits
NBPTS Website- MD Page NBCT Network Contacts Candidate Support Contacts Link to MSDE website
NBConnect MSDE will provide names to NBPTS Locals will receive email NBPTS Complete User Agreement Complete online training