KIHS SWIMMING 2016 – 2017
Coach Jen Traver Marlene Stanton
Expectations Paper work Try outs Suit purchase Lettering Drivers Practice Meets Captains Parent Volunteers
All paper work is due by Friday November 13th Physical form Parent form Blue card Suit order Info sheet
Tryouts Top twenty girls and top twenty boys will be on the team for the 50 free on Nov. 16th and Nov. 18th The team will be set at the end of practice on November 18th Parent volunteers make this run very smoothly. Anyone wishing to help should be at TCY by 4:20
Suit Purchase New Suit! Orders due by Nov. 17th Suit sizing information will be available on the first day of practice One cap will be provided, additional caps will be $5
Lettering Lettering is a honor that is given to those that have performed at the peak of their sport You may earn a letter by participation in a meet (each event = 1 point) You must have 18 points to letter Performance in the meet is based on ability and practice performance
Drivers All students that have a valid drivers license and drive to school may drive to practice You must have a letter signed by Mr.Harding and Mr. Schrecongost by Nov.16th You may not have passengers to anything!!! You may only have approved passengers home
Practice After school help Pool Dryland Monday, Wednesday and Friday TCY practice from 5-6pm Bus leaves KI at 4pm Dryland Tuesday and Thursday 3-4pm Must have a ride at 4 Should be prepared to run, and be outside After school help It is the coaches’ expectation that you will be at every practice, you may stay afterschool on Monday, Wednesday and Friday until 4pm for help If you are at the annex please have your teacher send material to me at the main campus for you to complete
Meets All swimmers must ride the bus to an event unless it has been approved by the athletic director Any swimmer that is not able to attend a meet must notify the coach in writing (note or email) from either the swimmer or parent/guardian no later than 8am. After a meet all swimmers will ride the bus unless they have a travel release form filled out. You may only ride home with a parent or guardian. You may not go home with a friend or parent of another swimmer without administrator approval. You may go home with anyone from the school
Captains Seniors Must meet criteria Must have application completed by November 22nd
Parent Volunteers Parents must be approved volunteers to be timers at meets Please consider helping a couple of times to ease the use of “regulars” We usually need a minimum of 6 and max of 9 for each meet