East Severna Park Swim League 2017 Team manager tricks East Severna Park Swim League 2017
THINGS COACHES NEED TO KNOW - Updating/Adding Athletes - Aging Up Swimmers/Database - Creating a Swim Meet - Importing/Copying Events - Entries for a Meet: By Event - Entries for a Meet: Relays - Entries for a Meet: By Swimmer - Exporting Entries for emailing - Importing Results after a meet - Generating Medal Meet reports for the end of the year THINGS COACHES NEED TO KNOW
Dealing With athletes
Adding or editing athlete Click on Athlete Tab in Main Menu To ADD – Click on Blank Paper or Click “Add” To EDIT – Double Click on Athlete Name Adding or editing athlete
Adding or editing (cont.) Make sure GENDER is correct Assign to TEAM Make sure DOB is correct Make swimmers active or inactive from year-to-year Option to create practice groups for roster purposes MUST HIT OK TO SAVE CHANGES!! Adding or editing (cont.)
Age up date for meets and ages Click on “Set Up” from Main Menu bar Click on “System Preferences” Enter “June1, 2017” for Meet Age Up Date, as we use this for all meets Change System Age Up Date to June 1, 2017 (allows all athletes’ ages to be changed to that date) NOTE: If you are entering County Meet, you will need to change this window before submitting entries (to meet start date) Age up date for meets and ages
Creating a meet – copying events From Main Menu, select “Meets” Click “Add” to start new meet Must fill out Meet Name, City (Incl. Zip) Select Course (usually “Y” to convert all times to yards – meet manager can convert to appropriate course) Change Start Date and End Date GO TO ELIGIBILITY RULES TAB NEXT!! Creating a meet – copying events
Creating a meet – copying events (2) FROM ELIGIBILITY RULES TAB: Make sure age-up date in 6/1/17 Choose a date to get swimmer times from (This limits the number of NT swims you have, especially in older groups of from experienced swimmers) Click Save – this will establish the meet and prepare to copy events Creating a meet – copying events (2)
Copying events into the meet From your “Meets” list: Click “Events” Click “Copy Events” from top menu Choose a meet where events already exist IN THE SAME COURSE Make sure to copy “all events” and “Entry Events”, then hit OK Copying events into the meet
Creating a meet by importing events If the league sends out an event file (Generic League Meet) or you get an events file from a meet host (County Meet): Download the attachment or file (Desktop is a good place) From main Menu of TM, select “File” and “Import”, then “Meet Events” Locate your events file, then double click it You will then be asked to click on the meet file you selected, and details of the meet will pop up Select “OK” to import the events file and establish the meet on your Meets list See the following screen shots Creating a meet by importing events
Screen Shots for importing events
After selecting “meet events”…
After Double clicking on file name…
Last step - establishes meet and events…look familiar??
A suggestion from entry screen…use “swimmer entry status” By choosing “Swimmer Entry Status”, you can check kids into the meet (or by selecting “Enter All”, then deselect the ones signing out. This helps in event selection and keeps those kids out of “Entry by Swimmer” screens. A suggestion from entry screen…use “swimmer entry status”
Swimmer entry status screen Hit “Enter All” to check everyone in, then unselect kids that have signed out (this is how I do it, but choose your own way) By clicking on the column title (Age, for example), you will sort all your swimmers by age, and this will allow you to see where you have an abundance or are short for a meet Swimmer entry status screen
Choosing entries by event This allows you to enter your swimmers in each event of the meet ADVANTAGES: you can put your best swimmers in their best events, and choose events to “go strong” in DISADVANTAGES: you can lose track of how many events you have put your best swimmers in, and often forget to put your swimmers in max events RELAYS MUST BE ENTERED FROM THIS SCREEN (more on this momentarily) From Main Menu: “Meets”/”Entries”/”Entries by Event” Choosing entries by event
Entry by event screen…two notes NOTE 1: You can make sure you only enter kids who are in the meet – just check the box at the left You can swim kids up (if you need them) by checking “swim up athletes” NOTE 2: Simply check box to enter kids in event You may enter custom times (from time trials or estimates) – this makes the meet run more smoothly and be more fair Entry by event screen…two notes
Entry by name – another way to do it From Meets Screen, choose the meet, then “Entries” then “Entry by Name” Shows all swimmers, and for each swimmer which events they are eligible for and have times for ADVANTAGES: You can see what they have not swum (I’m big on everyone trying everything), you can make sure they are in three events, and you can do one age group/gender group at a time. Also good for swimmers who have to come late or leave early. DISADVANTAGES: You can’t see which events you have not put swimmers into, and you can’t spread your kids out. There is also no way to do relays from this screen. Personal Suggestion: I always run through the roster looking at this screen after I have “finished” a meet to make sure everyone is in max events (or I have a reason for not having them there) Entry by name – another way to do it
Screenshots – entry by swimmer
RELAYS – FROM ENTRY BY EVENT MENU FIVE IMPORTANT NOTES: 1) Clicking on the “Hands” will show relay events only 2) You must choose your team before adding relays 3) You can avoid putting swimmer sin who are not in the meet if you have used swimmer entry status and check this box 4) To add a relay, click “New Relay” 5) You can sort swimmers by age – this makes our ladder relays easier RELAYS – FROM ENTRY BY EVENT MENU
To add swimmers to the relay, simply double click on names To change order of a relay, simply drag and drop the names that you have added to move their position in the relay FINISHING UP RELAYS
Entries are done – now what?? Once your entries are complete, you need to export them as a file and then email that file as an attachment to the host team (or to your computer person to send for you) From MAIN Menu, click on “File”, then “Export”, then “Meet Entries” Simply choose the meet you have been doing, an make sure you check “Export Relays” Make sure you know where your files are kept – desktop folder or flash drive Note the file name – this is the file you will attach and email to the meet host or your computer ops person Entries are done – now what??
Exporting entry files - screenshot Note 1) Choose Meet Note 2) Make sure you check “export relays” Note 3) Create a place where you keep these files – maybe a desktop folder Exporting entry files - screenshot
Importing meet results into your database The meet host should send out results files in cl2 or hy3 formats for you to import into your database – these are separate from the PDFs that get sent to everyone in the league. When you get the file, download it into your desktop folder, then import the entries into your database From the Main menu, click “File”, “Import” and “Meet Results” Choose the file you have downloaded and double click it. Two cautions about the import menu (see screen shot next slide) Importing meet results into your database
NOTES ABOUT IMPORTING RESULTS DO NOT CHECK THE “IMPORT NEW TEAMS/ATHLETES BOX!! (Unless, of course, you want every swimmer in the league in your database…and then have to manually remove them) If you have to import again (corrected results, etc.), then check the “Overlay Duplicate Results” box Click OK, and the results should import – simply look at your meets list and run a results report from the menu bar if you want to confirm it. NOTES ABOUT IMPORTING RESULTS
End of season report for medal meets (bonus material!!) To get a list of your swimmers performances for medal meets, you can run a results report From the Main Menu, Click “Reports”, “Performance Reports” and “Top Times” Fill in the dates of THIS season, check the “Use since Date” (note 1) Run the report by Name (note 2) End of season report for medal meets (bonus material!!)
More notes about performance report Convert all results to Yards (note 3), since that is how our standards are calculated Make sure you ask for the top TWO times for each event, as medal meet QTs can be either two in one event or one in two events (note 4) If you import the time standards file from the website to your database, you can use the screen shot here to have the report label the times for you. Click on the “STDS” tab in the report screen and choose “ESPL 2013” and check the box More notes about performance report
Screenshot of completed report
Jim Hutcheson – jimhutch13@gmail.com 443-310-9480 text or call Sorry this took so long, but I hope you find a use for most of this info at some point this season – it helps all of our Saturday mornings go better!! Contact info – if you run into problems