Welcome to the PSCC Meeting and Title I meeting Please help yourself to food meeting will start soon!
This years Theme: be a Bull!
Created by the students Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Positive Be Team-oriented Be Restorative Be a Brashear Bull!!
Title I Budget and Status Update Ms. Safran
Title I Budget Total $377, 030 Classroom Teachers Social Worker FACE Coordinator Supplies- $6,442 Student Snacks- $2,000 Meals & Refreshments-$2,000
Parent involvement Policy and Home School Compact revision Please take a minute to read over the existing documents and make any changes to them.
Parent Survey Results Ms. White
Strengths Adults in the building care about your child 84% agreed or strongly agreed. 97% of families surveyed we satisfied with their child’s progress at Brashear. (grades) We increased our response rate by 5% by having the survey available at the spring concert, PSCC meeting, take a father to school event.
Area’s of growth Getting more parents out to PSCC meetings 78% of parents surveyed said they do not come to meetings 40% of parents prefer email and 38% prefer phone calls. So I will speak with the staff to get more emails sent home. I will work harder to get the agenda’s and minutes for PSCC meetings on the schools website sooner. We are aiming for more participation next year, ideas?
PTO Tracy Link
Excellence For All (EFA) Patty Roberto is one of our representatives we are looking for a few more.