Bailey Stites, Lexy Schroader, Ashton Humphrey GRASSLAND Bailey Stites, Lexy Schroader, Ashton Humphrey
Animals (Fauna) There are a lot of different animals that live in the grassland biome. These are a few; Zebras, Antelope, Bison, Lions, Prairie Dogs, Cheetah, etc.
Plants(Flora) As you probably have already assumed the Grassland Biome has a lot grass. Other plants that live in the biome are trees, large shrubs, wild oats, fox tail, etc.
Physical Condition In a grassland you experience hot summers and cold winters. The area can get between 10-35 inches of rain a year. The temperature can get well over 100 degrees F and as low as -40 degrees F
Location Grassland’s are located in Africa, south America, north America and some areas of Europe and Asia. The ground is flat with rich soil such as the “Bread Basket” of America.
Biotic/Abiotic Factors Biotic factors are things that are living such as trees, zebras, and shrubs. Abiotic factors are non-living things in an ecosystem such as climate, soil, bedrock, water, and topography.
Geography The geography of a grassland biome is very unique. The soil is very rich and filled with lots of nutrients and minerals. The land is very flat and takes up a vast area of land.
Unique qualities Grasslands do not receive enough rainfall to grow as many tress as a forest, but it does contain lots of grass so they receive more rain than a desert. Most expansive biome on the planet. Fires are an essential component of grasslands to keep the rich soil.
What life is really like If you were to live in a grassland, you would be very susceptible to getting mauled by various animals, you would need to have shelter to protect you. You would also need something to hunt with to get your food source. You would be in the food chain just like everything else in your area<you would have to be extremely catious.
Grassland Food Chain
How to survive For food we farmed and sometimes hunted down small prey like rabbits For water we found a large pond and we also had to travel when the pond dried up For shelter we found a tree and cut prairie grass and placed it around the tree so the wind wouldn't get in Put a fire pit in the center so we would be warm at night
References APES Textbook