Project Overview Introduction to Factory Automation Numerical Control Build an autonomous robotic solution Testing an autonomous robot build by human control Programming a autonomous robot Exploring sensors Autonomous robot design challenge Industrial applications build challenge Industrial applications robot delivery Manufacturing system design challenge
LESSON 9 STARTER Learning objective: Take initial ideas and develop them into a feasible model and proposal for a design challenge, develop the design to meet the technical elements of the specification, begin to make your autonomous solution. Set out the stages of your process Layout your process in front of you and act it out. For example, if you intend on sorting out a mess of recyclable materials, then start by making a pile. Identify ways in which you can sort them using either actual tools or other methods. In this lesson you are going to card model your solution so that it pivots, moves and works with your items. What is the purpose of model making? Answer the following questions… Model making is a way for a business to save money. How? Model making is a way to communicate to others. How? Model making is a way to prove new ideas. How? Model making is a skilled task. Why? - Model making helps business reduce the risk by supporting “good” decision making early - Models are physical. They show people the size, scale, function and sometimes aesthetics of a solution - Models that move and “work” are better than sketches because they provide full 3D geometry of the solution in use - Model making is not about making pretty card and paper examples. Model making to a high level requires the application of a wide range of tools, materials, and an ability to problem solve without there being an existing solution to copy.
autonomous Robotics Industrial Apps Defining your parameters Your robot will be limited by certain parameters. These will be factors that constrain your system. The following factors are worth identifying and designing into your system Number of axis – your robot will be able to reach any position in a 2D plane with 2 axes of movement. It will be able to reach any space in a 3D area if it has three axes of movement. In CNC terms we refer these to the X, Y and Z axis. By reducing the number of axes, you make your design simpler to program and cheaper for the manufacturer. Working Envelop – the region your robot can reach is the working envelop. If you draw onto any sketch the area in which the robot will operate, you will be able to identify where there might potentially be conflicts with other objects. Payload – this represents the weight, shape and quantity of the objects being moved. The heavier or more complex your object, the harder it is to move it from A to B and beyond. Acceleration and accuracy – based on your build or program of the motors and articulating parts, you will be able to manipulate the speed in which you move objects, and the accuracy in which you locate to points within the working envelop. Repeatability – how often do you intend to repeat the process, and how will this be achieved? Do you intend to use sensors to trigger the circuit.
autonomous Robotics Industrial Apps How could you use this system? It doesn’t matter what your elected object is, you can use certain systems for the movement and organisation of everything. Cars, pencils, ping-pong balls, could all fit into certain systems with modification. Task: Quickly sketch out a modified solution to your design task using the image left as the expected format/arrangement.
autonomous Robotics Industrial Apps How could you use this system? A conveyor belt is quite common in production lines for objects that can be placed and removed from the surface at stations along the line. This could be human, or in this case a robot. Task: Add to your design the solution of using a conveyor belt system (if you have not already) for the movement of an item through the build system.
autonomous Robotics Industrial Apps How could you use this system? A linear slider system is used to extend in one direction a beam, onto which an actuator might be fitted. This will give you extended reach or potentially a pusher or “fitting” arm that moves into action once the object is in line with the path of movement. Task: Quickly sketch out a use for a linear slider into your design as either a pusher, an actuator, or a fitter device.
autonomous Robotics Industrial Apps Set out some initial design ideas on paper In your teams, each take a piece of template paper, and collectively start sketching ideas down. Talk and discuss as you sketch. Worry less about the sketch quality and more on what the idea actually shows. Always keep in your mind the goal you are trying to achieve. Struggling to start? Try this Design approach You could start with the clawbot and modify this by targeting areas to change. For example, the simple autonomous robot we built earlier took the tower and arm of the Clawbot off, and placed it onto a flat base. The base of the Clawbot was then dismantled and turned into an area to store objects.
autonomous Robotics Industrial Apps The card modelling approach Corrugated card is rigid in one direction (the direction of the flute) and also provides you a chance to score, bend and hinge using this same feature. The material is readily available to you also, given its common use in outer packaging. In this model, the engineer has considered the VEX parts available and replicated them in card. A tower is both strong and built to scale, allowing for the build of a VEX version later. The arm or actuator is also built to scale compared to VEX parts, and provides a clear indicator of whether through its full rotation the autonomous robot will be able to complete its task, even reach the conveyor and objects being manipulated. The conveyor should also be modelled in card unless you are going to be sharing this build with other teams or will be provided with this build element by your teacher.
autonomous Robotics Industrial Apps Build your model Using corrugated card, pegs, split pins, different types of tape, acetate and other any “craft” materials, your task is to create a moving, and where possible functioning prototype model. First, following the basic instructions for working with craft materials, then start to develop your solution. Remember! You are going to be building in VEX, so it is worth while at the model stage trying to create “VEX” like card parts to replicate the impending real build. Simulate moving parts Moving parts are tougher to create given the properties of card compared to steel and rigid plastic, but try to be creative and introduce additional materials. Here a pencil forms the steel shafts that will hold both the gears and chain in place. Structural parts Use reinforcing ribs to keep the C channel shape, otherwise you can make and build as you might VEX. Note the rolled card to create the spacers and the card motor to scale.
autonomous Robotics Industrial Apps Build Time In your teams, identify the main frame structure you intend to build and work on. Assemble this first. This will require the use of larger metal parts, screws and nuts, and the larger allen key. Remember to try and avoid cutting and forming the parts unless it is essential to do so. Second, attach the motors and manipulators to your system and begin to test. You will have access to three motors from the Clawbot kit, but also spares in the larger or add-on kits. For each additional motor, you will need a motor controller. Finally, build in the smaller functional elements that fine tune the arrangement ready for testing. Use cable ties to neaten up the build, adjust the position of features that pivot and lock in place with shaft collars.
LESSON 9 Plenary As a class, let us consider the following questions? A. What type of initial sketches work better for planning an initial idea? B. How has your design specification developed and changed as your design has? C. Why is it important that design documents remain fluid and adaptable as the project moves on? D. What ideas did you reject as you settled on your final design?
LESSON 9 Summary Today you have: Learning objective: Take initial ideas and develop them into a feasible model and proposal for a design challenge, develop the design to meet the technical elements of the specification, begin to make your autonomous solution. Today you have: Worked initial ideas into an actual design solution Improved your design solution by referring regularly to a technical specification Built the start of a final solution