Re-imagining our spaces Dr. Amber Reed Indiana Wesleyan University
Being re-imagine-rs “Parent as First Teacher” “Importance of Early Childhood Education” “Care on Demand” “Relationship-Centered Care” “Role of Play as Development” “Emergent Literacy” “Developmental Domains”……
Significance of space Health for Safety Guides Behaviors Inspiration/Exploration Pivotal Curriculum Piece Environment as Third Teacher
When children feel comfortable in their physical surroundings, they will venture to explore materials or events around them. -Anita Olds
The spaces we inherit Few of us will have the opportunity to design our own centers from scratch…. Most of us will inherit one of the following: *Cast-Off Spaces (ex: cheap and empty) *Secondary Sites (ex: churches) *Converted Spaces (ex: “this used to be….”)
planning of places: the messages of design
Let’s begin….. Take a minute to sketch your space
Use of space: Guiding questions How do I want the children to use this space? How does/will the environment promote learning in all content areas? How does/will the environment promote developmental domains? What child development, learning theory, or philosophy might guide my decision-making?
Learning centers BEWARE OF PINTREST QUALITY OVER QUANTITY Balance of Long-Term vs Rotating Independent vs Dependent Materials Matter --Real Objects --Open Ended Materials --Developmentally Appropriate BEWARE OF PINTREST QUALITY OVER QUANTITY
Novel vs familiar -Learn the Art of Editing & Rotation -Remember the Child’s Eye -Remember it is child- centered -Think about level variation -Think about texture variation -Parallel the home environment
Messy vs dry Messy is a MUST! Promotes sensorimotor Hands-On, Minds-On Examples: Sand & Water/Sensory Tables Painting Easel Art Station
Re-imagine your messy & dry spaces….. Sketch & label
Noisy vs quiet Why? Noisy beside Noisy & Quiet beside Quiet -Higher noise level is concentrated to a particular section of the room -Places areas together that need more teacher supervision & support -Must provide children spaces to be “alone” & regroup
Re-imagine your noisy vs quiet spaces…. Sketch & label
The most neglected and misunderstood dimension of the planned curriculum is the creation of an environment or setting in which education is to take place. -Blenkin & Whitehead
PATHWAYS VS BOUNDARIES Make it Visible Think of Supervision Transparency to make connections Allow flexibility for materials to move Consider Common/Open/ Gathering Space Transitions Consider the size of the space…(ex: Noisier spaces tend to need larger space) In & Out of Room Must be Maintained Between Centers Material Storage & Access Try to Avoid “Walk Through” Pathways
Re-imagine how you might create boundaries…. Re-imagine pathways… Re-imagine how you might create boundaries….. Re-imagine pathways…. Sketch & label with dotted lines & arrows…
Re-imagine your basic needs areas…. Sketch & label
What makes a good space? Predictability Clear Paths to Activities Well-Defined Boundaries Enough Opportunity for Movement Freedom for Exploration Privacy Variety Open-Ended Complexity Flexibility Varied Levels of Stimulation A Supportive Environment The Right Amount of Empty Space Inviting, Welcoming, Home-Like Memorability (Community Playthings)