Mynd i'r afael â gyda'i gilydd gamfanteisio rhywiol ar blant ar-lein: Dull Hawliau Plant Together Tackling Online CSE: A Child Rights Approach Mawrth 15 March 2017 Sally Holland Comisiynydd Plant Cymru Children’s Commissioner for Wales
Rôl y Comisiynydd a’n swyddfa The role of the Commissioner and my office Dweud eich dweud | Participation Diogelwch | Protection Darpariaeth | Provision Deall eich hawliau | Promotion
Fy ngweledigaeth: Mae gan bob plentyn a pherson ifanc yng Nghymru cyfle cyfartal i gyrraedd ei botensial llawn. My vision: All children and young people in Wales have an equal chance to be the best that they can be.
Bwrdd Gron Camfanteisio yn rhywiol ar blant Rhannu gwybodaeth a hyrwyddo arfer gorau Yn ymdrechu ar gyfer cydraddoldeb a chysondeb Uniaethu arferion presennol camfanteisio yn rhywiol ar blant Cefnogi atebolrwydd Cynnal momentwm ar gyfer gwaith o amgylch camfanteision’n rhywiol ar blant. CSE Round Table Shares information and promotes best practice Strives for equality and consistency Identifies current CSE practice, Supports accountability, Maintains momentum for work around CSE.
Meysydd ar gyfer datblygiad parhaus Gwasanaethau atal a cyffredinol Gwasanaethau therapiwtig Plant ar goll ac amddiffyn plant yn ehangach Areas for ongoing development Prevention and universal services Therapeutic Services Missing children and wider child protection
Addysg ar Gydberthnasau Iach Datblygu’r gallu i wrthsefyll Cysylltiadau i ddiwygio'r cwricwlwm. Healthy Relationships Education Building Resilience Links to Curriculum Reform
Dull Hawliau Plant Ymwreiddio hawliau plant Cydraddoldeb a dim anffafrio Grymuso plant Cyfranogaeth Atebolrwydd A Child Rights Approach Embedding Children’s Rights, Equality and non-discrimination, Empowering children, Participation, Accountability
Manylion Cyswllt Contact Details Ffôn | Phone 01792 765600 / 0808 801 1000 Ebost | Email Trydar | Twitter @childcomwales|@complantcymru Gwefan | Website |