Blooming Dragons Garden Club LET’S GET OUR HANDS DIRTY! All RES students (PK – 4th) along with their parents are invited to become members of the “Blooming Dragons”, a garden club devoted to maintaining the Rockenbaugh Outdoor Learning Center and garden. Parents and students will participate in a variety of activities such as maintaining raised beds, planting, weeding, pruning, watering, and general landscaping. Who: All RES students (PK – 4th) and their parents When: The 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month after dismissal until 4:15 p.m. (weather permitting). Where: Students will meet me at the fish tank outside the science lab after school. We will then go outside to meet parents in the garden after the buses have left. Club Sponsor: Karla Chance I will generate a sign up genius for each month when registration ends. That will you allow you to select the dates that work best for you and your student. Let’s spread the fun around and all get involved in the Blooming Dragons Garden Club! LET’S GET OUR HANDS DIRTY!