Reptile & Amphibian ID: Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office Scott Register and Dr. Frank Flanders April 2006 presents: Reptile & Amphibian ID: Slide set 4 of 9 Georgia Environmental and Natural Resources CDE
Identify this Reptile/Amphibian:
Answer: Copperhead Snake
Identify this Reptile/Amphibian:
Answer: Corn Snake
Identify this Reptile/Amphibian:
Answer: Coral Snake
Identify this Reptile/Amphibian:
Answer: Cottonmouth
Identify this Reptile/Amphibian:
Diamondback Rattle Snake Answer: Diamondback Rattle Snake
Identify this Reptile/Amphibian:
Canebrake Rattle Snake Answer: Canebrake Rattle Snake
Identify this Reptile/Amphibian:
Answer: Green Anole Lizard
Identify this Reptile/Amphibian:
Answer: Red Eared Turtle
Identify this Reptile/Amphibian:
Alligator Snapping Turtle Answer: Alligator Snapping Turtle
Identify this Reptile/Amphibian:
Common Snapping Turtle Answer: Common Snapping Turtle
Identify this Reptile/Amphibian:
Answer: Bullfrog
Identify this Reptile/Amphibian:
Answer: Green Tree Frog
The End! Thanks
The End! Thanks