GEF Baltic Sea Regional Project: views on management and implementation
Baltic Sea: Main Characteristics Semi-enclosed brackish water area Persistent vertical layers Residence time of water : 25yrs Finland Renewal of bottom-water: unpredictable - often stagnation periods Norway Russia Plants/animals: low numbers - stressed Large catchment area with land use activities strong effect on water quality - population - 85 million Sweden Estonia Latvia Denmark Lithuania Poland Germany
International Managing Bodies International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission Scientific Advice 350 scientists BSRP: HELCOM and ICES
The Baltic LME concept Land Coastal Marine Strengthening technical capacity Training farmers Grant/Credit on-farm invest-ments. Coastal Marine Salmon river rest. CZM Modeling water quality and nutrient transport Fish/envionm. Ships of Opportunity Toxins/impact Joint integrated ass. surveys COMBINE Ecosystem Health parameters Strengthening technical capacity, WS.s Upgrade laboratories and ships Improve scientific/and political coordination C1 C2
BSRP Working Structure CC: Coordination Centre LL: Lead Laboratory LIU: Local Implem. unit Coordinators, C1, C2 LIU and CC Socio-economy Tallinn LIU and CC Fisheries Riga LL ICES surveys Kaliningrad Coast. Activities Tallinn Fish age/ Stomach anal Salmon restor. LIU andCC GIS & Data Vilnius CC Ecosystem Health Gdynia LL Alien Species Klaipeda Fish diseases Kaliningrad LIU and CC Productivity Riga LL Zooplankton Gdynia Phytob.monit, SOOP Tallinn Co-LPM MMED LL Biodiversity St. Petersburg Co-LPM CZM Co-LPM SOOP Tallinn
+ Scientists/farmers Politicians Conventions – BSRP 1st phase Actors: Scientists/farmers Politicians Conventions – International organizations Cooperators + Cooperation,coordination - Too much national Strengthened + + MoU , LoA , + network + EU , Reg. Program
GEF/BSRP: has been a Catalyser BSRP 2:nd phase Major stength: Organization BIREME BONUS BOOS SAFMAMS BONUS-169 Major challenge: POLITICIANS (national owners) Key-words: INTEGRATION and OUTREACH GEF/BSRP: has been a Catalyser