Jovial (adjective) definition: full of happiness and joy synonym: merry/jolly/blithe antonym: forlorn/gloom/heavy-hearted sentence: Hours later, the common room had a warm, jovial feel to it. -- The Name of the Wind
defiantly (adverb) definition: refusing to obey something or someone synonym: unruly/wayward/disobedient antonym: compliant/obedient Sentence: They kept their hands defiantly in the air. --Washington Post Aug 11, 2016
disengaged (verb) definition: released or loosened from someone or something synonym: liberate/release/untangle antonym: embroil/entangle Sentence: The little girl disengaged one hand without thinking about it. --The Martian Chronicles
ritual (noun) definition: a routine followed faithfully synonym: custom/pattern/habit antonym: neglect/disagreement Sentence: It was a daily ritual and it never dawned on me that I should even consider whether I should honor the flag or not. --US News Sept. 2, 2016
boisterous (adjective) definition: very noisy and active in a lively way synonym: raucous/rowdy antonym: orderly Sentence: Thus, there are plenty of boisterous cat owners and reserved dog owners. -- Scientific American Sept. 1, 2015
perfunctory (adjective) definition: something that is done without energy or enthusiasm because of habit or because it is expected synonym: apathetic/complacent/uninterested antonym: concerned/interested Sentence: The violinist delivered a perfunctory performance that displayed none of the passion and warmth he was known for.
paraphernalia (noun) definition: objects that are used for a particular purpose or activity synonym: gear/hardware/materials antonym: Sentence: Months would go by, with no job in sight for my mother, and I would continue without school paraphernalia. --Kaffir Boy: An Autobiography
profusely (adverb) definition: given, produced, or existing in large amounts synonym: copious/gashing antonym: dribbling/trickling Sentence: “But he’s still bleeding profusely. Can’t you see? He might even die.” --Catch-22
shabbier (adjective) definition: showing signs of wear and tear synonym: timeworn/scruffy/threadbare antonym: fresh/mended/spiffy Sentence: The furniture of old and shabby.