Azhar Jasim Al-Zubeidi Social Drama Azhar Jasim Al-Zubeidi
Introduction ‘Social Drama’ No entry in most of the dictionaries of literary terms and encyclopedia Analysis of ‘social drama’ is available under other terms, such as ‘drame’, ‘domestic tragedy’, ‘thesis play’, and ‘problem play’ among others
Introduction Victor Turner - Social Drama - From Rituals to Theatre: The Human Seriousness of Play (1982) Clayton Hamilton - ‘modern social drama’ - The Theory of The Theatre (1910)
‘Problem play’ as Social Drama [U]sually a play dealing with a particular social problem in a realistic manner designed to change public opinion; also called a thesis play. Significant examples are Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House (1879), on women's subordination in marriage, and George Bernard Shaw's Mrs Warren's Profession (1902) on prostitution.
‘Thesis Play’ as Social Drama A drama which deals with a specific problem and, very probably, offers a solution. This form appears to have originated in France in the 19th c. ...
‘Thesis Play’ as Social Drama Ibsen was a major influence on the genre, for example A Doll's House (1879). In England Shaw (Widowers' Houses, 1892, Mrs Warren's Profession, 1902, Major Barbara, 1905).... This type of drama is also known as a problem or propaganda play. (Cuddon 913-914)
main characteristics of ‘social drama’ Realistic characters in realistic actions representing real people in every-day-life problems. These characters are meant to raise in the audience an emotional bondage with them. Seriousness is the mode of tackling serious issues in the social, familial or political life. Through this mode, the playwright intends to draw the attention and call for reform.
main characteristics of ‘social drama’ The aim of the plays is not to find a solution to the staged problem as much as to draw attention to how they overshadow the existence of people. In some cases, though, a solution may be presented by the end of the play.
The plays are a modern form of tragedy that does not adhere to the rules of classical tragedy. However, they have a serious mode when dealing with subjects, the conflicts, or any theme of the human fall that constitutes tragedy.
Henrik Ibsen The most prominent feature of Ibsen’s drama is that it touches issues of social reform directly by highlighting the illnesses in the society. A Doll’s House
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