agenda TED Talk Thursday: Love Letters ATSS, Discussion Leader Groups #4 Chaps. 21-26 ATSS, Quiz, Part 2 HW: Last day to submit Idea Sheets
Reminders Idea Sheet – I have reviewed all Idea Sheet submissions that were submitted through Tuesday, the first due date. Last day I will accept the first attempt; you can still submit for revision twice (once you get an 18/20 you are done re-submitting) after the first time as long as you submitted for the first time by tonight via Google Drive, 11:59 PM When you resubmit, please re-share with me so it sends me an email as a notification. I will not know to look at your idea sheet again unless you do that. Project Proposal – will introduce tomorrow; will take them Tuesday – Thursday of next week. ATSS, Part 2 Quiz – today PSAT – how was it? HW: Work on reading/researching/completing/revising your Idea Sheet. Read your novel. Get ahead if you can!
TED Talk Thursday – Love Letters to Strangers As you watch this talk, consider and respond to the following questions: When she says “love letter” it is clear that she does not mean romantic love. What does she mean? What does the Love Letters movement reveal about the human experience/condition? Do you remember ever getting a letter? What did it say/who was it from? AND/OR If you’ve never received a letter, think about someone in your life who might need a love letter. Start that letter…
ATSS Discussion Leaders Group #4: Chapters 21-26 Quiz, Part 2