Mr. Arbaugh Mr. Brownrigg Ms. Paige Mrs. Stone Mr. Zabawa Welcome to Curriculum Night Mr. Arbaugh Mr. Brownrigg Ms. Paige Mrs. Stone Mr. Zabawa
Bingham Farms School Rules HONESTY – I am honest to myself and others. RESPECT – I respect myself, others and my environment. KINDNESS – I am kind to myself and others through actions and words. RESPONSIBILITY – I am responsible to myself and others.
Social Studies 4th Grade Regions of the United States Elections Constitution Economics United States Constitution
Science 4TH Grade Investigation Team Skills Variables Environments Rocks and Minerals
Reader’s Workshop Read Aloud Minilessons Independent Reading Guided Reading Battle/Book Clubs Response to Literature Sharing-Buzz Groups Comprehension Strategies & Skills Reading Levels
Writer’s Workshop 4th Grade Writing Units 5th Grade Writing Units Narrative Informational Opinion Personal Persuasive Word Work 5th Grade Writing Units Narrative Memoir Personal Informational Opinion Word Work
Math Math Expressions Standards Eight Mathematical Practices Number and Operations Operations and Algebraic Thinking Fractions Measurement and Data Geometry Eight Mathematical Practices Attend to precision Use appropriate tools strategically Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Model with mathematics Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Look for and make use of structure Reason abstractly and quantitatively
Standards-Based Grading Systems Mastered Standards Met Most Standards Working on Standards Below Standards
Technology We will be using multiple technology web tools that will be integrated into the curriculum! For example… Wiki Blog Google Classroom
4th & 5th Grade Expectations Personal Best Responsibility Self-directed/Independent Growth Mindset Organizational skills
Rethinking Homework For 4th/5th Homerooms No daily, but occasional homework 30 minutes home reading expected
Optional Home Activities Compass Learning Splash Math MyOn
Office Hours Students will have the opportunity to come in during lunch/recess to complete unfinished work, get extra support, or work independently.
Communication Email: Notes Arbaugh: Brownrigg: Paige: Stone Zabawa: Notes If there is an emergency, the best way to communicate would be to call the office.
Thank You for Attending