Choose Your Own Adventure!


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Presentation transcript:

Choose Your Own Adventure! CYOA!

Idea Multiple projects worth different amount of points You pick the number of projects you need to reach the point total Some class time, some homework time

4 levels of points Detective (10 points): A detective closely examines historical facts and puts them together in many forms. They work with charts to present information clearly and logically. They enjoy answering questions and finding details. Artist (20 points): An artist focuses on pictures to learn about the past. They produce drawings to present information to others in unique ways. They enjoy creating work that shows off their skill and talent.  Profiler (40 points): A profiler is mostly interested in people and how they think. They like to imagine themselves in historical situations and write about how they would have reacted. They usually present their information through short writings. Specialist (40 points + EC): A specialist in history uses all three of the above skills to create projects that appeal to many people. They are interested in all aspects of history and present their ideas in complex projects. 

Possible Detective assignments (10 points) Acrostic Poem Annotated Illustration Text message summary Bio Poem Bumper Sticker Day Planner Cause and Effect Picture Frame Historical Head Annotated Illustration Countdown (top facts) You Are There Letter

Possible Artist assignments (20 points) Song re-write Comic Strip Trading Cards Illustrated Timeline Perspective Character Clash History Instant Message/ Facebook Chat Time Machine Worlds Collide

Possible Profiler assignments (40 points) Mock Facebook Page/Profile (x2) Design a web page Magazine Cover Travel Brochure What If…?

Possible Specialist assignments (40 points + EC) Model Newscast (on DVD) Newspaper Board Game

For all jobs and scores all instructions must be complete!!! Profiler Artist Detective Excellent 100% Shows an understanding of a person’s perspective on history Ideas are unique and interesting Information goes beyond class notes All drawings are detailed Everything is neatly drawn and colored No stick figures. All important historic details are represented artistically. Facts go beyond class notes Charts are neatly drawn with straight lines All major facts are given and easy to find Good 80% Shows some understanding of a person’s perspective on history There are some unique and interesting ideas All information from class notes is covered Most drawings are detailed Mostly everything is neatly drawn and colored Most important historic details are represented artistically. Facts only include class notes Most major facts are given and easy to find Needs work 60% Shows little understanding of a person’s perspective on history Ideas are presented as basic facts Only information from class notes is used Few drawings are detailed Some parts are sloppy Some stick figures. Few important historic details are represented artistically. Charts are not all neatly drawn with straight lines Only a few major facts are given and easy to find

BRING YOUR OWN TEXTBOOK AND ART SUPPLIES TO CLASS ON BLOCK DAY! Unit 1 Instructions Choose enough projects to total 40 points No “Specialist Projects” this time… wait for a future unit 1 Block period to work The rest is HW Due Tuesday, September 20th BRING YOUR OWN TEXTBOOK AND ART SUPPLIES TO CLASS ON BLOCK DAY!

Thanks to for these great ideas!