Mustafa Ali and his Education TODAYS LECTURE Making of an Ottoman Mustafa Ali and his Education Review The imperial project Mehmet II and the Conquest of Istanbul 1453 Selim I and the Conquest of Arab lands 1517 Suleyman I ,1520-1566 The new ruling elite and Istanbul 1453-1550 The rulers (askerıi) and the ruled (reaya) Recruitment and education of the rulıng elıte Devşirme (recruited boys ) Bureocrats Ulema (relligio-administrative cadre) complexes
THE RULERS AND THE RULED Ruling elite (askeri) Sultan and his household Army central army (janissaries, kapıkulu sipahi etc) timar-holding cavalry Bureocrats Religio-administrative cadre (ulema, sing. alim) Privileges including tax exemption The subjects (reaya) Peasants, town and city dwellers, and nomads. Both Muslim and non-Muslim.
Topkapı Palace, view from the Bosphorus
Recruitment of Children from Arifi, Süleymanname, (Book of Süleyman), dating ca. 1558
Janissary recruits playing musical instruments, from Johannes Lewenklaw’s history,, dating from 1586
A public council meeting at the second court Lokman, Hünername, (Book of Skills), dating from ca. 1587-88.
Seated Scribe, Gentile Bellini, 1479–81
Gazanfer Ağa medresesi. Divân-i Nâdirî, early seventeenth century
Cafer Aga Medresesi, late sixteenth century, view of the courtyard
Presenting to the patron during a Sufi gathering, from Mustafa Ali’s Nusretname, Topkapi Sarayi Muzesi H. 1365, dating from 1584.
Rüstem Paşa Complex, Tahtakale (1) pre-existing bathhouse, (2) ablution fountain (3) Küçük Çukur Han, (4) Büyük Çukur Han, (5) Burmali Han (law court), (6) courtyard of the law court, (7) cemetery garden