Environmental Health Project Addressing Community Health Concerns Monitoring Environmental Impacts Assessing Health Impacts
EHP in Southwest PA, in the heart of shale gas development Our mission is to respond to individuals’ and communities’ need for access to accurate, timely and trusted public health information and health services associated with unconventional natural gas development (UNGD) Beyond Pennsylvania EHP works with communities in New York, New England states, California and also assists individuals and groups in West Virginia, Ohio, Wyoming
New York State Gas Pipelines
Basic Community health assessment and air monitoring model PRE- and POST-CONSTRUCTION Health Assessments Individual health assessment, SF36 Quality of Life Survey, and home environment assessment surveys with as many residents as possible within 1 mile Medically trained personnel review health assessments with residents PRE- and POST-CONSTRUCTION Monitoring Monitor PM 2.5 at 4 or more residences within about ½ mile with continuous air monitors - one inside, one outside Conduct VOC sampling at closest residences (1 or more 12/24-hour sample under appropriate weather conditions)
Monitoring Levels/Locations Environmental Health Air Quality PM2.5 VOCs Formaldehyde Hydrogen sulfide Home Env. Assessment Heat, water source, pets etc. Water quality Noise Radon Air Dispersion Modeling emissions, exposures Residents Health Questionnaires Health Diary Target health data (cancer, respiratory, cardio, birth outcomes) Community School nurse reports Include Health Department
Monitoring Levels/Locations Individuals (health surveys) Residences within 1 mile (air, noise, water, radon) Indoor air Outdoor air Select Community Sites (water, noise, air) Compressor site Directional locations (upwind, downwind) Schools, Daycares
PM Monitors continuous air monitoring
Noise Monitor Casella cel264 indoor/outdoor 1 hour
Summa Canister 24-hour samples calm conditions and overnight
Collaborations! Community groups EHP, Albany Institute for Health and Environment, Madison County DOH Cornell University/Oregon State Univ. Animal Study West Virginia University Consortium
For More Information www.environmentalhealthproject.org 724.260.5504 info@environmentalhealthproject.org