Missoula County Public Schools Science Community Forum March 23rd, 2016
What is Curriculum? Science Teachers reviewed: Current MCPS Curriculum National Standards Montana Standards
What are Next Generation Science Standards
Standards, Cross Cutting Concepts, Engineering Practices and Disciplinary Core Ideas Standards - State/National statements that define content that students should know and be able to do. Cross Cutting Concepts- The ideas and practices that go across all domains of science. L
Standards, Cross Cutting Concepts, Engineering Practices and Disciplinary Core Ideas Science and Engineering Practices - the major practices scientists employ as they investigate, build models, and theories about the world Disciplinary Core Ideas- the four major domains: physical science; life science; earth and space science; and engineering, technology, and application of science L
What are the essential components of science education in the 21st Century? Small group brainstorming Record your top three ideas
Reading the Draft Document Standards and Clarification
Reading the Draft Document
Examining the Draft Document Small Groups: Pink- What learning targets or aspects from this work are most essential? Yellow- What learning targets or aspects are unclear?
Exit Ticket What suggestions do you have for the science curriculum review committee? Can you suggest a local organization that can provide training and/or resources for our classroom teachers?
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