Engaging Online Learners Christina Migielicz Cathleen DiDonato
Four Strategies for Engaging Online Learners Set up a positive and welcoming environment Spice up your discussion boards Create videos Use rubrics
welcoming environment Set up a positive and welcoming environment Post a picture and a little bit about yourself in your online classes.
welcoming environment Set up a positive and welcoming environment Welcome Videos You can make specific or generic Students are able to put a face and voice to their instructor Your students can get to know you better Cathleen’s Welcome Video Tina's Welcome Video Videos make the instructor more real, present, and familiar (Borup, West, Graham 2012)
welcoming environment Set up a positive and welcoming environment Respond to online students within 24 hours Be detailed and positive in your comments on their work “Online faculty must understand the critical importance of dynamic faculty-student and student- student interaction to the success of an online course.” (Gaytan 2013)
Spice up your Discussion Boards The Jigsaw Model
The Jigsaw Model Small group discussions Help students understand instructor role in discussions Use open-ended questions to provide ongoing dialogue Summary Post 4 minutes: Do your own research. Read the materials and write down all important information including: What it is? Why effective? Add personal examples or opinions
The Jigsaw Model
Spice up your Discussion Boards Now...all the 1s, 2s, 3s and 4s group together. Share the information you jotted down on your own. Decide as a group what is the most important information to share with your home group. Take notes. You are now the expert on this discussion board strategy. You will have 3 minutes.
The Jigsaw Model
Spice up your Discussion Boards When you are back in your home groups, take turns sharing your research. Each person will have one minute to share his/her expertise.
Spice up your Discussion Boards
Create Videos Different Types of Videos Selfie Videos Voice Over PowerPoint iMovie Explain Everything Student Videos Other Resources (Ted Talks, You Tube, College) Tina's You Tube Channel Cathleen's You Tube Channel Our MOOC You Tube Channel
Creating Videos Most Importantly: “As with any video, lighting and audio/video quality are important, but here it is equally imperative that you come across as warm, approachable, and genuine.” -Dulaney & States 2014
Rubrics “A well constructed rubric can… Be used as a tool for both teaching and assessment Improve students' critical thinking about their own work Help articulate standards and goals for instructors Reduce grading time Offer more meaningful feedback to students” FSU 2017
Sample Rubric 100 points 80 points 50 points 20 points 0 points Responded to all questions/ prompts AND Only responded to 4-5 questions OR Only responded to 2-3 questions Only responded to 1 question Did not submit a response on time Used appropriate grammar and punctuation Had more than two grammar or punctuation errors. N/A
Sample Rubric
What makes online learning effective? Think: - What tip/strategy can you implement in your own class? Pair: - Turn to a partner. Share your responses to these questions. Share: - What insights can you share with the whole group?
Works Cited Borup, J., West, R. E., & Graham, C. R. (2012). Improving Online Social Presence Through Asynchronous Video. Internet and Higher Education, 195-203. Draus, P. J., Curran, M. J., & Trempus, M. S. (2014). The Influence of Instructor-Generated Video Content on Student Satisfaction with and Engagement in Asynchronous Online Classes. MERLOT Journal of Online Teaching , 240-254. Dulaney, E., & States, T. (2014, June 11). How To Make the Most of a Video Introduction for an Online Course. Retrieved from Campus Technology: https://campustechnology.com/articles/2014/06/11/how-to-make-the-most-of-a-video-introduction-for-an-online-course.aspx Education, O. o. (n.d.). Distance @ FSU. Retrieved 2017, from https://distance.fsu.edu/instructors/using-rubrics Gaytan, J. (2013). Factors affecting student retention in online courses: Overcoming this critical problem. Career and Technical Education Research, 145-155.
Contact Information Cathleen ccdidonato@waketech.edu Christina ccmigielicz@waketech.edu CollegeStrong: A College Preparation and Success MOOC https://openeducation.blackboard.com/mooc-catalog/courseDetails/view?course_id=_1439_1