5th Grade Ms. Collins, Ms. Harding, Mrs. Perkins Welcome! 5th Grade Ms. Collins, Ms. Harding, Mrs. Perkins
Class Dojo Accessible on mobile devices/computers Parent – Teacher Communication Track student’s behavior progress (positive/negative) Reward System Schoolwide System Entire 5th Grade accessible by all teachers Please keep conversation to academics and student events (this is a professional communication resource)
Parent Connect Instructions provided Another way to contact teacher about assignments If a grade is shown in Parent CONNECT, it will come home in graded work folder
Cultural Arts Schedule Teacher Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Harding Computer Lab PE/Music Art Media Perkins Music/PE Collins
Mathematics Broken down into themes for the year Communication-1st Marking Period Collaboration- 2nd Marking Period Critical Thinking- 3rd Marking Period Creativity- 4th Marking Period First Marking Period Includes: Understanding Volume Various Ways to Multiply Add/Subtract Fractions Understanding Place Value with Decimals
Writing Communicates Effectively & Applies Conventions Interactive Read-Aloud to start each class Q1 – Narrative, Q2 – Informational, Q3 – Opinion, Q4 –Memoirs Each student has a writing binder that stays in classroom, and a writer’s notebook that can travel home as long as it is back in school each day “Additionally, students are expected to demonstrate sufficient keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two pages in a single sitting.” – PARCC, 2017
Science Science Fair will occur in the spring (details to come) MISA in the spring Q1 and Q3 assessment 4 Themes, 4 Units Communication Matter and Actions Collaboration Star Light, Star Bright Four Spheres of the Earth Critical Thinking Caught up in Food Webs Creativity
Social Studies Reading like a Historian Skills Debates Timelines Q2 and Q4 assessments Units of Study: Unit 1: Colonization Unit 2: Road to the Revolution Unit 3: American Revolution Unit 4: We the People
Reading Independent Work Interactive Read Aloud Guided Reading Skills to enforce good reading habits independently Word work: spelling/grammar done in class OR outside for HW – Due Friday Interactive Read Aloud Mandated by Reading Office Performed daily at beginning of Language Arts Lessons Promotes “text talk” with “turn & talk partners” Guided Reading Groups based on F & P levels (5th grade is T, U, and V) Data shared on F & P progress at parent/teacher conferences 3/4 group rotation = smaller student:teacher ratio
Homework/Agenda AGENDAS ARE REQUIRED - $6 from the office EVERY NIGHT – 20 min. reading and signature AVID tool – agenda should be checked for completion Calendar – students can organize extracurricular schedules and long term projects (moon journal) Math HW – One/two sheet(s) for all students for each week; due Friday; can be completed earlier and returned Spelling & Grammar will alternate weeks – there is a test each Friday and Spelling HW should be stapled/turned in on loose leaf paper (grammar sheets are provided)
Wednesday Folder PTA Notices Office Notices (newsletters) Redo opportunities (one week) Graded Work (parent signature required) More data for interims/conferences Will be sent home in folder WITHIN red & white folder (unless otherwise provided by teacher)
AVID – As explained by students…
Remember who taught you to study? STAR (set up, take, add to and review notes) Study tool for teachers/students WICOR (write, inquire, collaborate, organize, read) Do all these to LEARN Pillars of successful group work Organized students are successful students
Important Dates Drownproofing Parent-Teacher Conference Dates October 12, 13, 16, 17 (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED) Parent-Teacher Conference Dates October 19th, December 8th, March 2nd Marking Period Dates 1st November 9/10 2nd January 29/30 3rd April 11/12 *Londontown Field Trip in the Spring If you haven’t already, and you did not chaperone last year, PLEASE go to aacps.org/chaperone to submit your request for a background check!!!
QES Music Program CHORUS: 1PM EVERY TUESDAY Band Program – email DJMALLECK@aacps.org Schedules, information, & resources for students tiny.cc.quarterfieldmusic Wednesdays & Fridays Strings – email HFUSSELL@aacps.org (Mrs. Fussell) Mondays & Wednesdays (2PM) CHORUS: 1PM EVERY TUESDAY
Magnet Program Applications Online Applications Opens OCTOBER 16TH Ends NOVEMBER 30Th Magnet Website – www.aacps.org/magnet Contains informational videos in English/Spanish
Changes to the Report Card Informational/Literary Text = COMPREHENDS TEXT Literary • When appropriate, recount and summarize stories and events • Describe events, characters and settings to understand theme, lesson and moral of stories • Identify the differences between genres • Understand the point of view of stories Informational Identify and support main ideas with text based details • When appropriate use multiple texts to comprehend and write • Explain events, procedures, ideas and concepts in nonfiction text • Use story structure elements to comprehend text