koalas By : Brandon Miller
classification Kingdom :Animalia Phylum :Chordata Class :Mammalia Order :Diprotodontia Family :Phascolarctidae Genus :Phascolarctos Species :Phascolarctos
Physical characteristics The koala is like a baby panda, they have grey hair, they stand about three feet tall. They weigh about 14 to 20 pounds. Their ears are really fuzzy.
distribution The koala lives in Australia.
habitat Koalas live in trees called eucalyptus trees.
Conservation status The koala is not listed as endangered animal on the IUCN red list.
Parental care The baby koalas live with their parents for six to eight months. Only the mother cares for the baby koala.
Longevity and mortality Koalas live to be about twelve to sixteen years old. The male lives to be about twelve years while the female lives to be about fourteen years old.
Seasonal patterns The koala does not hibernate or migrate.
diet The koala eats leaves off a tree called eucalyptus trees.
Predator relationships Really the only predator the koala has is the human because they chop down the trees they live in, or poachers.
Human relationships Koalas are known to be left alone, but if someone came close to them the most they could do is scratch or bite. Most of the time if you are to see a koala you would most likely find them in a zoo.
Fun facts Baby koalas are called joeys. They don’t leave tree very much. Koalas mark there territory like a dog. koalas carry their baby on their back. It is rare to see two babies from the same litter.