NOAA’s Next Generation Great Lakes Operational Forecasting System (GLOFS) and Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab Modeling and Forecasting Capabilities In this presentation, Dr. Philip Chu will provide an overview of NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory and the development and implementation of the Great Lakes Operational Forecasting System (GLOFS). Dr. Chu will also share his experience in working at government, academia, private industries, and information on NOAA scholarship, internship opportunities for under graduate, graduate students and post-docs. Tuesday, October 25, 2016 11:00-12:15 PM 216 DeBartolo Hall Dr. Philip Chu Supervisory Physical Scientist and Branch Chief Integrated Physical and Ecological Modeling and Forecasting (IPEME) NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab (GLERL) Ann Arbor, MI If you interested in meeting individually with Dr . Clark, please contact Debbie at 631-1083 Dr. Philip Chu is a research scientist and chief of the Integrated Physical and Ecological Modeling and Forecasting (IPEMF) branch at the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL). His research interests include operational coastal forecasting systems, hydrodynamic modeling, sediment transport processes, satellite remote sensing, data assimilation and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Dr. Chu received both M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at The Ohio State University. He also received an MBA degree from Tulane University. Prior to joining GLERL, he was an oceanographer conducting research on coupled ocean models at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory at NASA Stennis Space Center. Dr. Chu holds a patent for inventing an automated method for predicting tidal heights and currents in coastal and estuarine zones. Dr. Chu is a licensed professional engineer in State of Ohio and adjunct faculty member at Ohio State University, University of Maryland, Tulane University, Michigan Technological University and University of Michigan.