Tennessee Comprehensive Systemwide Planning Process (TCSPP) Quarterly Update January 27, 2009
Vocabulary Tier/Grade Span are the grade levels represented by elementary, middle and high Formative Assessments are part of the instructional process to provide information needed to adjust teaching and learning while they are happening. Summative Assessments are given periodically to determine at a particular point in time what students know and do not know. High Stakes Assessment are a Thinklink® has pioneered a unique approach to formative assessments using a scientifically research-based continuous improvement model that maps diagnostic assessments to each state’s high stakes test. Career and Technical Education Concentrators:
Goal One Ensure ALL K-12 subgroups meet or exceed NCLB proficiency benchmarks in literacy and numeracy Alignment to Strategic Plan: Ensure that all students meet or exceed MNPS, State and National Standards
2008 AYP Status Elem. Middle High Multi. Tier TOTAL Good Standing 52 19 5 4 80 Target 18 5 0 0 23 SI 1 Imp. 1 2 1 0 4 SI 1 2 2 0 0 4 SI 2 Imp. 0 2 1 1 4 SI 2 1 2 1 0 4 CA Imp. 0 3 2 0 5 CA 0 1 1 0 2 Restructuring 1 0 1 1 1 3 State/LEA Recon. 0 0 1 0 1 Plan 2 – Imp. TOTAL 74 38 16 8 136
Indicators for Goal 1 Number of students enrolled in MNPS Elem. Middle High TOTALS Jan. 2008 33,171 21,052 19,880 74,103 Jan. 2009 33,617 21,187 19,963 74,767
Indicators for Goal 1 Number of English Language Learners – Elem. Middle High TOTALS Jan. 2008 5,601 1,852 1,583 9,036 Jan. 2009 5,041 1,588 1,471 8,100 Number of Special Education Students – Elem. Middle High TOTALS Jan. 2008 3,406 2,254 2,315 7,975 Jan. 2009 3,542 2,310 2,345 8,197 Number of African American Students – Jan. 2009 7,083 5,177 5,175 17,435
January 2008 Free/Reduced Lunch Status Indicators for Goal 1 Number of Free/Reduced Lunch Students: January 2008 Free/Reduced Lunch Status Not FRL FRL TOTAL Elem. 10,053 23,118 33,171 30.3% 69.7% Middle 7,192 13,860 21,052 34.2% 65.8% High 9,508 10,372 19,880 47.8% 52.2% TOTALS 26,753 47,350 74,103 36.1% 63.9%
January 2009 Free/Reduced Lunch Status Indicators for Goal 1 January 2009 Free/Reduced Lunch Status Not FRL FRL TOTAL Elem. 10,343 23,274 33,617 30.8% 69.2% Middle 7,183 14,004 21,187 33.9% 66.1% High 9,282 10,681 19,963 46.5% 53.5% TOTALS 26,808 47,959 74,767 35.9% 64.1%
Indicators for Goal 1 Thinklink Data by Tier (Grade Span) – Elementary Middle High
Where are we now? Where do we need to be? What are we doing to get there?
Goal 2 Ensure ALL students with disabilities are guaranteed access to educational opportunities with non disabled peers to the maximum extent possible Alignment to Strategic Plan: Ensure that all students meet or exceed MNPS, State and National Standards
Indicators for Goal 2 Training opportunities: District Level Autism Boot Camp 33 Behavior Management 19 Classroom Strategies 9 CPI/Refresher 38 Easy IEP 794 Eden Curriculum 35 Inclusion Implementation/Strategies 85 Life Skills 89 Mapping Out the Future 38 Mapping Out Transition 20 Non Violent Physical Crisis 68 Sama Training 31 Self Determination/Transition 20 Social Skills 23 Special Education for General Education 26 TCAP Alternative 72
Indicators for Goal 2 ADA Compliance & Section 504 Compliance -Principals are trained by Cluster -12 of the 13 Cluster have been trained Transportation for Special Education Students – 3,254
Indicators for Goal 2 Number of Pre-K Inclusive Classrooms Blended – 21 Life Skills – 13 Preschool Communication Behavior Intervention Program (CBIP) – 5 Preschool Language Centers – 5
Indicators for Goal 2 733 Number of Special Education Teachers Number of Special Ed. Educational Assistants 553 Contracts related to Special Ed Services 2- School Contracts 1- Homebound Services 2- Counseling Services 2- Speech Services 1- Testing Services 1- Transition Teaching Services 1- Behavior Specialist services 1- Early Childhood
Indicators for Goal 2 Services offered through Special Ed. Dept.: Early Childhood Delivery Models Preschool Blended Classroom – Community-Based Preschool Classes Preschool Inclusive Classroom Preschool Language Center Homebound Services Resource Services Life Skills Services Communication Behavior Intervention Svcs. Community Based Transition Moderate Intervention Services Severe Behavior Intervention Services
Indicators for Goal 2 Related Service for Special Education must be determined by the IEP Team but may include: Speech Language Pathology Audio logical Services Psychological services Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Counseling Services Orientation & Mobility Services Early Identification & Assessment of Disabilities Diagnostic & Evaluation Services School Health & Social Work Services Parent Training Transportation
Recap… Where are we now? Where do we need to be? What are we doing to get there?
Goal 3 Increase the graduation rate 5 percentile points each year in order to reach goal of 100% by 2014 Alignment to Strategic Plan: Ensure that all students meet or exceed MNPS, State and National Standards
Indicators for Goal 3 K-12 Mobility by Subgroup for 2007-2008 Asian 24.21% Black (Not Hispanic) 39.77% Hispanic 41.95% Native American 45.53% Pacific Islander 47.54% White (Not Hispanic) 31.13% ELL 46.64% FRL 33.62% Special Education 39.27%
Indicators for Goal 3 Smaller Learning Community Implementation Data – all 12 zoned High School are in the some phrase of implementing the SLC program Freshman Academies are in all 12 zoned High Schools this year 7 of the 12 zoned High Schools have Career Preparation Centers
Indicators for Goal 3 Attendance evaluation from 06-07 to 07-08 for the following subgroups: Reduction especially large for African American (8.4% absences vs. 6.5%) and Hispanics ( 9.1% absences vs. 7.7%) Free/Reduced Lunch had a 20% reduction for students eligible for the program vs. an 11% reduction for students not eligible ELL across all 8 grants schools, the overall reduction was only 1.5%, the lowest of them all Special Education had no difference between attendance in Special Education classes, when compared to regular classes
Indicators for Goal 3 Career and Technical Education Data – effectiveness is evaluated on the following benchmarks 1S1: Academic Attainment: Reading/Language Arts (Gateway): 88.01 (neg. 84.58 and state avg. 87.87) 1S2: Academic Attainment: Mathematics (Gateway): 95.39 (neg. 70.47 and state avg. 95.48) 4S1: Graduation Rate (graduated with regular diploma): 93.43 (neg. 88.59 and state avg. 92.31)
Indicators for Goal 3 CTE is implemented in 12 of the Comprehensive High Schools and Martin Luther King, Jr. Magnet District leadership team – Lead teachers at each CTE High School CTE Concentrators 2006: 269 CTE Concentrators 2007: 593 In 2007/2008, 600+ CTE students received dual credit at TTC Honors CTE courses will be offered in 2008 * CTE Concentrator is a student with 3 approved credits in a focused area/skill
Indicators for Goal 3 Alternative Programs: Avid…1,647enrolled students Credit Recovery – Report in April Big Picture - 116 Middle College - 72 Ombudsman…412 enrolled students A+® … Report in April Fast Forward® Social Emotional Learning Programs: New program and recently hired new Director
Indicators for Goal 3 Number of students graduating Number of students dropping out of school Discipline data 1st Semester 2007-2008 K-4 880 5-8 4,349 9-12' 8,595 1st Semester 2008-2009 K-4 917 5-8 4,065 9-12' 7,308
2008-2009 1st semester attendance Indicators for Goal 3 Attendance Data 2007-2008 1st semester attendance K-4 95.9% 5-8 95.7% 9-12' 91.8% 2008-2009 1st semester attendance K-4 96.1% 5-8 95.6% 9-12' 92.2
Where are we now? Where do we need to be? What are we doing to get there?
Goal 4 Ensure that all students demonstrate significant academic growth Alignment to Strategic Plan: Ensure that all students meet or exceed MNPS, State and National Standards
Indicators for Goal 4 Students enrolled in gifted and talented program AP Data IB Data Scheduling of courses in middle and high School Counselor Data
Where are we now? Where do we need to be? What are we doing to get there?