Pre-K and PreSchool Students How to Report Enrollment and Program Services Jeff Bittner NERIC Data Warehouse 518-862-5409
Agenda Definitions and Acronyms Reporting Pre-School Students Reporting Grade PK Students Reporting CPSE to CSE Transition Regular Ed PK to K Transition End Of Year - Don’t Forget! Beginning of Year Tasks - Don’t Forget! References
Definitions and Acronyms Preschool-aged Student - Any child age 3-5 that is not enrolled in a Kindergarten. Students in grade PS or PK are both considered pre-school aged. Grade PS - Grade Preschool is used for a child in CPSE determination or a child who is receiving preschool special-education services and is not in a Pre-K program. Grade Pre-K - Grade Prekindergarten is used for a child who is enrolled in a prekindergarten program. Program can an be a Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) program or Other Prekindergarten program. PKH - Grade used for a half day Prekindergarten program PKF - Grade used for a full day Prekindergarten program
Definitions and Acronyms continued CPSE - Committee on Preschool Special Education. Determines services for preschool-aged students with a disability (grade PS and PK). CSE - Committee on Special Education. Oversees services for school-aged students with a disability (Grades K-12, 13, & 14). UPK - Universal Pre-Kindergarten programs are Pre-K programs funded pursuant to Section 3602 e of Education Law. These programs are operated by the school district or by other eligible agencies under a contractual agreement with the school district. Other Pre-K - A prekindergarten program other than UPK.
How to Report Grade PS Students There are seven main reporting scenarios: Determination Phase Determined eligible and receiving services Determined ineligible Parental Consent before or after June 30th Grade PS CPSE student moves into your district Summer enrollment when remaining in PS next year Grade PS CPSE student transitions to Pre-K over the summer
How to Report Grade PS Students continued Determination Phase - Only for preschool-aged students not already enrolled at your district. If already in Pre-K, do not report Determination Phase. Enrollment Entry Code - 4034: “Preschool-age students enrolled solely for determining eligibility for special education services” Enrollment Location: ALWAYS at the District (0000). Grade: PS Exit Code - 140: “Special education eligibility status determined or determination process stopped for any reason” Program Services None
Determination Phase on L0 - Enrollment only
How to Report Grade PS Students continued If student determined eligible for Special Education Services: Enrollment Entry Code: 0011- “Enrollment in building or grade” Enrollment Location: Whoever is providing the special education services. Refer to “Table of Reporting Responsibility for Preschool-Age and Prekindergarten Students” in SIRS. Grade: PS If student is declassified or has been withdrawn from school by a parent/guardian use Exit Code 425: Left school, no documentation of transfer. Program Services Disability Code: 5786- “Preschool Student with a Disability”. Start date must on or later than date of 0011 enrollment. If student is declassified or parent revoke consent for special-education services, use code 901: “Declassified”.
Determined Eligible on L0 - Enrollment
Determined Eligible on L0 - Programs Note on Location Code: Can be district or building… Do not fill in Service Provider - the lack of a Service Provider is what makes this record a District Level Service. Check to see if a Program Code is a district of building level service by looking in the SIRS Manual under Program Service Codes and Descriptions Note: Beginning Date is on or after they were enrolled in Whispering Pines. If these do not match, you will get M2L1C Errors.
How to Report Grade PS Students continued If student determined NOT eligible for Special Education Services Enrollment Just end with a 140: “Special education eligibility status determined or determination process stopped for any reason” on the date determined not eligible and enter no subsequent enrollment. Program Services None
How to Report Grade PS Students continued If Parental Consent to Evaluate has been received on or befor June 30th: Enrollment: Exit Code - 140: “Special education eligibility status determined or determination process stopped for any reason” Exit Date - 06/30/20XX Do not re-open the determination enrollment in the next year. If, in next reporting year, Determined YES eligible: Enrollment Entry Code: 0011- “Enrollment in building or grade” Enrollment Location: Whoever is providing the special education services. Grade: PS Entry Date: The day they start getting services. Program Services Disability Code: 5786- “Preschool Student with a Disability”. Start date must on or after date of 0011 enrollment. If, in next reporting year, Determined NOT eligible: Report no further Enrollment or Program Service records.
How to Report Grade PS Students continued If Parental Consent to Evaluate has NOT been received prior to June 30th In next reporting year Enrollment Entry Code: 4034- “Preschool-age students enrolled solely for determining eligibility for special education services” Enrollment Location: Distirct (0000). Grade: PS Entry Date: Date Parent consent has been received.
How to Report Grade PS Students continued Grade PS CPSE student moves into your district: Enrollment Entry Code: 0011- “Enrollment in building or grade” Enrollment Location: Whoever is providing the special education services. Refer to “Table of Reporting Responsibility for Preschool-Age and Prekindergarten Students.” Grade: PS If student is declassified or has been withdrawn from school by a parent/guardian use Exit Code 425: Left school, no documentation of transfer. Program Services Disability Code: 5786- “Preschool Student with a Disability”. Start date must on or later than date of 0011 enrollment. If student is declassified or parent revoke consent for special-education services, use code 901: “Declassified”.
How to Report Grade PS Students continued Grade PS student,continuing in PS next year, NOT receiving summer services Summer Enrollment Entry Code: 0011- “Enrollment in building or grade” Entry Date: 07/01/20XX Enrollment Location: 0777 “Homebound” location Grade: PS Exit Code: 153- “Transferred to another school in this district” Exit Date: Day before their services start. School Year Enrollment Entry Date: Day their services start Enrollment Location: Whoever is providing the special education services. Program Services Disability Code: 5786- “Preschool Student with a Disability”. Start Date: 07/01/20XX
How to Report Grade PS Students continued Grade PS student, continuing in PS next year, receiving summer services Enrollment Entry Code: 0011- “Enrollment in building or grade” Entry Date: 07/01/XX Enrollment Location: Whoever is providing the special education services. Refer to “Table of Reporting Responsibility for Preschool-Age and Prekindergarten Students.” Grade: PS If student is declassified or has been withdrawn from school by a parent/guardian use Exit Code 425: Left school, no documentation of transfer. Program Services Disability Code: 5786- “Preschool Student with a Disability”. Start Date: 07/01/20XX
How to Report Grade PS Students continued Grade PS CPSE student transitions to Pre-K over the summer *Keep in grade PS until 8/31/XX Summer PS Enrollment Entry Code: 0011- “Enrollment in building or grade” Entry Date: 07/01/20XX Enrollment Location: Whoever is providing the special education services. If no services over the summer, you can enroll at the 0777 “Homebound” location. Grade: PS Exit Code: 153- “Transferred to another school in this district” (unless they are staying in same location for Pre-K as PS, then use 782 - “Entry into a different grade in the same school building”) Exit Date: 8/31/20XX Pre-K Enrollment - Enroll in Grade Pre-K. We will cover this in next section. Program Services Disability Code: 5786- “Preschool Student with a Disability”. Start on 07/01/20XX and keep open unless declassified Pre-K Program code: We will cover this in the next section.
Reporting PS Students Notes Communication is the KEY! It’s important that the CPSE and Registration Offices understand the entire reporting cycle for these students and know when it's necessary to communicate. -Students need an enrollment at the district level record that matches their determination phase. -If determined eligible, their determination enrollment must be ended, followed by a 0011 entry at the location of the service provider. -The start date of program code 5786: “Preschool Student with a Disability” must be on or after the start date of the 0011 enrollment. -If student is declassified for any reason, the enrollment must end on the same day.
How to Report Grade Pre-K Students Four key questions to be answered Are they UPK or Pre-K? Where is the funding coming from? Who is operating the program? Is it district operated? Are they Regular Ed or Special Ed Students? Is the program operated by another district? Does the student going to the program operated by another district have a disability? Refer to the “How to Report UPK and Pre-K Students” guide
How to Report Grade Pre-K Students continued Students in a UPK program Enrollment Entry Code: 0011- Enrollment in building or grade Enrollment Location: Refer to SIRS manual or cheat sheet. If District Operated UPK, use Building BEDS Code. If contracted by the District, use 0666 location. Grade: PKH or PKF If student has been withdrawn from school by a parent/guardian use Exit Code 425: Left school, no documentation of transfer. Program Services Pre-K Program code: 902 - Universal Pre-K Program Dates match Pre-K enrollment. Needs a Universal Pre-K provider. --------------------------------------------------------------> If applicable: Disability Code: 5786- “Preschool Student with a Disability”.
District Operated UPK on L0 - Enrollment Original George W.
District Operated UPK on L0 - Programs
District Operated UPK on L0 - Programs
Not District Operated UPK on L0 - Enrollment 33rd President Notice 0666 location. It's not the location code that matters -its the BEDS code that the location code is ties to. Head Start Example
Not District Operated UPK on L0 - Programs
How to Report Grade Pre-K Students continued Students in an “Other” PK program Enrollment Entry Code: 0011 - Enrollment in building or grade Enrollment Location: Refer to SIRS manual or cheat sheet. If District operated PK, use Building BEDS Code. If BOCES operated PK, use BOCES BEDS Code (not building) If operated by a Community Based Organization, use 0666 location. Grade: PKH or PKF If student has been withdrawn from school by a parent/guardian use Exit Code 425 - Left school, no documentation of transfer Program Services Pre-K Program code: 990 - “Other” Pre-K Program Dates match Pre-K enrollment. Do not enter Universal Pre-K provider If applicable: Disability Code: 5786- “Preschool Student with a Disability”.
District Operated PK on L0 - Enrollment Clock Maker 1700 - 1800
District Operated PK on L0 - Programs
Not District Operated PK on L0 - Enrollment 12 President BOCES example
Not District Operated PK on L0 - Programs 12th President
Reporting Pre-K Students with disabilities Use program code 5786- “Preschool Student with a Disability”. Must be enrolled in a PS for the summer and PK grade level for the school year. If student is declassified or parent revoke consent for special-education services, use code 901- Declassified. Austrian composer 1800’s
UPK or PK Program Operated by another District Only report records for resident students with a disability Enrollment Entry Code: 5905 - “CSE or CPSE responsibility only” Enrollment Location: Building BEDS Code of attendance. Grade: PS If student has been withdrawn from school by a parent/guardian use Exit Code 8305 - End CSE Responsibility Only Enrollment. Program Services 5786- “Preschool Student with a Disability”. Start date must match date of 5905 enrollment. If student is declassified or parent revoke consent for special-education services, use code 901 - “Declassified” Do not report a Pre-K Code If resident regular ed student attending another district's UPK or PK program, do not report them.
Grade PK Staff-Student-Course? Do not report SSC files for grade Pre-K students. Pre-K teachers are not subject to evaluation system. Pre-K teachers to do not review their rosters on the TAA.
How to report CPSE to CSE Transition There are five scenarios students may fall into: Declassified by CPSE prior to 07-01. Referred to CSE, Not Classified by CSE, NO Summer Services. Referred to CSE, Classified by CSE, NO Summer Services. Referred to CSE, Not Classified by CSE, Summer Services Provided. Referred to CSE, Classified by CSE, Summer Services Provided. Please review this cheat sheet and make sure everyone understands each scenario. Notice that you need the location of where the summer services are taking place. Go over last column and the following slides show what L0 looks like.
Entering CSE with Summer Services - Enrollment Grade PS 7-1 to 8-31
Entering CSE with Summer Services - Enrollment Grade K starts 9-1
Entering CSE with Summer Services - Programs 5786 matches grade PS dates School Aged Disability starts on 9/1
Reporting CPSE to CSE Transition Notes Once again, communication is the KEY! It’s important CPSE and Registration understand the entire reporting cycle for these students and communicate. Fill in the cheat sheet as the transition plans for students are determined. Both Special Education and Registration Department can use this to code students correctly. It's important Enrollment and Program Service dates match!
Regular Ed Pre-K to Kindergarten Transition Pre-K Year Enrollment Exit Code: If Pre-K and K are in the same building, there is no exit code (just grade advance in your SIS) OR use 153 “Transferred to another school in this district” if Pre-K and K are in different locations. Exit Date: 6/30/20XX Kindergarten Year Enrollment Entry Code: 0011 - Enrollment in building or grade Entry Date: 7/01/20XX Enrollment Location: Building BEDS code of building of attendance Grade: K Program Services End All Pre-K program codes (990 - “Other Pre-K”, 902 - “Universal Pre-K”, and appropriate “Universal Pre-K provider” codes) Exit Date: 6/30/20XX (matches date they exit Grade PK)
End Of Year - Don’t Forget! Be sure to end all Pre-K Program Status’ prior to 7/1. Remember, all Pre-K program status’ and Pre-K grade enrollments must match up. Can’t have one without the other. Special Education and Registration Office should understand the CPSE to CSE transition process and everyone's roles in reporting. Make sure the details of all students transitioning to CSE are understood and distributed appropriately.
Beginning of Year Tasks - Don’t Forget! Be sure all Pre-K students have proper Pre-K Program Codes, Service Providers, and Locations. Ensure everyone involved understands how to correctly enroll and code these students in your Student Information System. After BEDS day, start reviewing your SIRS-316 BEDS Day Enrollment Verification Report for District Pre-K. Be sure grade K students do not have left over Pre-K codes from previous year. If they do, end the codes in the previous school year in your Student Information System. Be sure grade K students with disabilities have their school aged disability start on or after their grade K enrollment. SIRS-316 is the first BEDS day data pulled in Jan.
References Lates SIRS Manual: SEDREF:$.startup SEDCAR: NERIC DW Site: NYSED UPK Site:
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