PERSONALITY 5-7% 250$ 250$ 250$ 250$ 500$ 500$ 500$ 500$ 750$ 750$


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Presentation transcript:

PERSONALITY 5-7% 250$ 250$ 250$ 250$ 500$ 500$ 500$ 500$ 750$ 750$ One of Freud’s major systems of personality - it is guided by the ‘pleasure- principle’: 250$ This term refers to an infant’s natural disposition to show a particular mood at a particular intensity... What is... TEMPERAMENT 250$ He believed that people have an inborn nature that shapes personality. He thought sexual conflicts hidden from awareness caused many of the problems. Who is... SIGMUND FREUD Freud described three levels of the mind: 250$ What is... the CONSCIOUS, the PRECONSCIOUS and the UNCONSCIOUS 250$ What is... the ID According to Freud, these operate unconsciously and deny, falsify or distort reality. They help the ego relieve pressure... 500$ One of Freud’s major systems of personality - it is composed of the conscience [can make us feel guilty] and the ego- ideal [can make us feel proud of ourseles] 500$ 500$ According to Freud, this involves pushing away threatening thoughts, feelings and memories into the unconscious mind - a sort of “unconscious forgetting”. 500$ What is… the SUPEREGO One of Freud’s major systems of personality - it obeys the ‘reality-principle’ and helps prevent the discharge of tension until a need can be satisfied appropriately: What is... the EGO What are... DEFENSE MECHANISMS What is... REPRESSION A type of defense mechanism in which a person redirects unacceptable sexual or aggressive impulses into more socially acceptable behaviors. 750$ 750$ A type of defense mechanism in which a person acts in a manner exactly opposite to their true feelings. What is... REACTION FORMATION What is... SUBLIMATION Freud’s theory of psychosexual development argued that if a conflict in one of the 5 stages was not resolved well - it can lead to _______, and become a permanent part of the adult personality. 750$ 750$ What are... ORAL, ANAL, PHALLIC, LATENCY, GENITAL What is... FIXATION The 5 stages of Freud’s theory of pscyhosexual development [in order]:

PERSONALITY 5-7% 250$ 250$ 250$ 250$ 500$ 500$ 500$ 500$ 750$ 750$ This neo-Freudian believed that people strive for superiority to be altruistic, cooperative, creative, unique, aware... He thought we all try to compensate for inferiority complexes and that birth order was important for controlling personality. 250$ What is... the PHALLIC STAGE Freud believed that young boys cope with the Oedipus complex in the following stage of psychosexual development... 250$ 250$ Carl Jung believed that this was the goal or personality development - to realize the self and become a unified whole. 250$ Who is... ALFRED ADLER This neo-Freudian rejected Freud’s sex theory and believed that personality is shaped by the cumulative experiences of past generations extending back to our evolutionary past. Who is... CARL JUNG What is... INDIVIDUATION 500$ 500$ 500$ 500$ Who is... KAREN HORNEY This neo-Freudian sharply attacked the male-bias in Freud’s work [ie: Penis envy]. She thought both men and women are envious of attributes of the other sex, but that women were more envious of men’s societal status than their penises. Unlike psychoanalytic/dynamic theories, this theory of personality stresses the importance of our free will in determining who we want to be. What is... HUMANISM This humanist’s theory centers on the SELF. He believed that to become fully-functioning, we must learn to accept ourselves. Who is... CARL ROGERS This humanist believed that people are born good and move towards self-actualization as our goal. This is not easy to achieve because society sometimes causes us to choose goals that lead us away from self-actualization. Who is... ABRAHAM MASLOW A theory of personality that focuses on __________. B.F Skinner is an example - he believed that the environment shapes who we become as well as reinforcements. If we change someone’s env’t we can change his/her personality. What is... BEHAVIORAL THEORY 750$ 750$ 750$ What is... RECIPROCAL DETERMINISM Carl Rogers believed that we are all born with a need for _______ - for acceptance and love from others independent of how we behave, and positive self-regard from ourselves. What is... UNCONDITIONAL POSITIVE REGARD 750$ George Kelly is the best known cognitive theorists of personality. He thought that we all try to make sense of our world by generating, testing, and revising hypotheses about our social reality. He called these... What are... PERSONAL CONSTRUCTS Social Cognitive Theorist Albert Bandura explains behavior using his concept of ________, which states that the characteristics of the person, the person’s behavior, and the env’t all affect one another in two-way causal relationships.

PERSONALITY 5-7% 250$ 250$ 250$ 250$ 500$ 500$ 500$ 500$ 750$ 750$ What is... INTERNAL: think they control and are responsible for what happens to them EXTERNAL: believe that what happens to them is due to luck, fate, or others. The difference between people that have an INTERNAL locus of control and those that have an EXTERNAL locus of control. 250$ According to Bandura, this is a major factor in how we regulate our lives. It is our belief that we can perform behaviors that are necesseary to accomplish tasks, and that we are competent. What is... SELF-EFFICACY 250$ The degree to which we expect that a reinforcement or outcome of our behavior is contingent on our own behavior, as opposed to the degree to which we expect that a reinforcement or outcome of our behavior is a function of luck or fate. 250$ 250$ The concept of self-efficacy applied to groups - it is our perception that with collaborative effort, our group will obtain its desired outcome. What is... COLLECTIVE EFFICACY What is... LOCUS OF CONTROL What are... OPENNESS, CONSCIENTIOUSNESS, EXTRAVERSION, AGREEABLENESS and NEUROTICISM [can more easily be remembered through the acronym OCEAN] 500$ This personality theory states that we each have relatively stable personality characteristics or dispositional attributes that can be used to predict behavior. What is... TRAIT THEORY 500$ 500$ Trait theorist Hans Eysenck’s 3 dimensions of personality. It is believed we each possess these to varying degrees. What are... EXTRAVERSION [our sociability] NEUROTICISM [our level of instability] PSYCHOTICISM [our level of tough-mindedness Many personality psychologists considered Eysenck’s 3 dimensions of personality to be too few and Cattell’s 16 to be too many. Paul Costa and Robert McCrae have instead developed “The Big Five” which include the following traits: Raymond Cattell studied visible areas of personality and developed a list of 16 basic traits. Cattell’s Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire is also called... 500$ What is... the 16 PF Direct observation is a useful way to assess personality but it has limitations. Namely, when people know that they are being observed, they change their behavior to what they think the observer expects or to make themselves look good. This is called... What is... the HAWTHORN EFFECT Interviews can supply important information about personality, but they have limitations. Namely, the tendency to generalize a favorable impression to unrelated dimensions of the subject’s personality. What is... the MINNESOTA MULTIPHASIC PERSONALITY INVENTORY-2 750$ 750$ 750$ What is... the HALO EFFECT 750$ A type of personality test that presents ambiguous stimuli such as inkblots or pictures, with the assumption that the test takers will project their unconscious thoughts or feelings onto the stimuli. Two examples are the Rorschach inkblot and the TAT test. What are... PROJECTIVE TESTS Self-report methods are the most common personality assessment techniques used. It involves people supplying information about themselves by answering a series of questions. The most researched, and most widely used self-report personality test is the MMPI-2 which stands for...