COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2017 AMENDMENT PROCESS and DOCKET Comp Plan update & amendment process - introduce Basic overview of amendment process. Discuss preliminary docket of potential amendments Propose timeline to accomplish 2017 update. Planning Commission Work Session January 23, 2017
COMP PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS OVERVIEW PERIODICALLY EVALUATE and REVISE PLAN Revisions to state or federal laws; Changed circumstances Reflect current conditions ANNUAL, MINOR or MAJOR TEXT or MAP Under GMA, the City must implement and be consistent with its Comp Plan. By law, City to periodically evaluate and revise the comprehensive plan. Last update – June 2015. REASONS: Revisions to state or federal laws; Changes in local and regional conditions (social, economic, environmental, financial…); Population and employment growth changes; Shifts in the community’s long-term view for its future; and Consider and make changes to reflect current conditions. ANNUAL Amds; Minor - generally occur on a regular, usually annual, basis. Major - Once every 8 years, a major review and update of the plan is conducted. This year’s amendment process is a minor amendment.
COMP PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS AMENDMENTS PURPOSE Review annual list of ideas created Ensures Plan and Codes kept up-to-date Address policy and community needs over time BEST WHEN FOR PUBLIC BENEFIT DOCKET AND “STUDY LIST” PURPOSE: ensure that the Comprehensive Plan continues to be a living document with appropriate goals, policies, and land uses PUBLIC BENEFIT Update ideas that usually work best are for things that provide a public benefit—and that are not primarily for the advantage of an individual. Items can be placed on the preliminary docket through either the suggestion or the application method DOCKET The “docket” is a cumulative list of ideas or suggestions proposed for potential amendments to the adopted Comprehensive Plan. “Docketing” refers to putting an item on the list for future consideration since the last adoption or update of the Plan. Will discuss docketing and docket list shortly (in lieu of, or in addition to, the regular Planning Commission meeting).
COMP PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS PROCESS Docketing Public Notification Open House Review Preliminary Suggestions Study List Decided Evaluation SEPA Ordinance Work Sessions Public Hearing Development Regulations The City maintains a cumulative list of ideas, proposed since last update of the Plan, usually over the course of a year. Public notified: City is accepting both formal applications and suggestions for Comp Plan Amds – Notification thru official news releases, posting the official public places, City’s website, City Happenings article, and through the City’s social media. Includes- Deadline for formal submittals. (those applicant pays a fee to cover cost.) News Release last week In February City Happendings Open House Describe amendment process. Public may put forth ideas for consideration by PC or CC. Review of Prelim Docket of suggestions. The Commission will then, by consensus vote at a meeting, recommend a “Study List” of the potential amendments to be considered. Council the same. Study List – PC and CC lists final “Study List” of potential amendments to be considered. Consensus vote On Final study list does not mean that the PC or CC will ultimately agree to the proposal—only that have agreed that the proposal has merit and should be considered through the amendment process (Any formal applications are automatically part of the final docket or “Study List” and will be processed.) Evaluation – processing begins; amendments are studied further Prepare materials, maps, reports SEPA – conduct; route for review and comment Ordinance 60-day review by state agencies and any affected jurisdictions. PC conducts work sessions and meeting on all proposed amendments… studied further and brought back to the PC/CC for future review and action as part of the public process. PC forwards their recommendations to City Council. CC conducts work sessions and a public hearing and adopts amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, by ordinance. Concurrently, or soon thereafter, any amendments to the development regulations or zoning map are made for consistency with the updated Comprehensive Plan.
COMP PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS APPLICATION TYPE Suggestion Application DEADLINE March 3 for Applications March 13 – Select Study List 2 basic categories Suggestion Any item put forth/suggested by C, CC or staff can become part of the docket. An idea brought before PC or CC by a citizen or other private party, could also become part of the docket. The suggestion method is best for plan or code amendment proposals that: Provide a public benefit; Can and should be addressed with city (public) resources; and Help implement Council goals and priorities. Application method Anyone may apply (text or map). key benefits – guarantees the proposal will be heard at public hearings -- decision made in a timely manner -- benefit to the City is that it receives a user fee that helps pay for processing proposal. Best for plan or code amendment proposals that either: Are initiated by an single individual or small group of individuals; or Not initiated by the PC/CC (“suggestion” method). Application deadline – set by CED Director each year in 2017 – March 3 Formally docket by the mid-March 2017 (or another selected deadline).
COMP PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS 2017 DOCKET Amend Land Use Designation for Firefighters Park Amend Town Center Subarea Plan Re-name Neighborhoods Update Land Use Policies Amend Recreation, Parks and Open Space Element Update CIP and TIP The preliminary list of suggested docket items for 2017 - attached to memo. GO TO DOCKET LIST MEMO
COMP PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS STUDY LIST CONSIDERATIONS Consistent with broad goals and priorities Addresses changed circumstance(s) City resources to process DOCKET ITEM NOT NECESSARILY STUDIED (except applications) CONSENSUS by Planning Commission or Council NO GUARANTEE CONSIDERATIONS Consideration for placement on the final docket is given to: The item’s consistency with broad goals and priorities in the public interest; Changing circumstances that relate to a community need; and Available city resources (i.e., staff time and other costs). DOCKET SELECTION Placement on the final docket or “Study List occurs either By a consensus vote of the PC or CC (“suggestion method”), or Submission of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application (“application method”). Placement on the docket does not necessarily mean the idea will be approved.
COMP PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS SCHEDULE January 23 Introduction February 27 Open House March 13 Review “Study List” April 10/24 Review Amendments May 8 Work Session (final) May 22 Public Hearing and Recommendation Adopted by end of June 2017 January 23 Work Session to introduce amendment process and review the preliminary docket. February 27 Open House (in lieu of, or in addition to, the regular PC meeting). March 13 Work Session to recommend a “Study List” of potential amendments to City Council. Any formal applications will be on the final list. April 10 Work Session (optional, if needed). April 24 Work Session to review amendments. May 8 Work Session (or Public Hearing) to review amendments and proposed ordinance. May 22 Public Hearing to make a recommendation to the City Council on comprehensive plan amendments and ordinance. MTMC 18.05.580.D and MTMC 19.110.250.A state that “The Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, shall consider Comprehensive Plan Text or Map amendments along with other request on the docket.
COMP PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS NEXT STEP January 23 Introduction February 27 OPEN HOUSE March 13 Review “Study List” April 10/24 Review Amendments May 8 Work Session (final) May 22 Public Hearing and Recommendation Next key date: February 27 Open House in lieu of, or in addition to, the regular PC meeting. Council has work sessions and hearing dates on calendar Hearing on June 5 or 19