Egypt is located in northeast Africa Question #1 Egypt is located in northeast Africa
The Sahara Desert The world’s hottest desert Question #2 The world’s hottest desert Bigger than the United States in area The Nile R.
As we go through the lesson, please identify and label the following features on your map. Make sure to answer the questions on the back (1-16) and 2 Critical Thinking
1) Nile River Flows North Ends in the Mediterranean Sea Question #3 1) Nile River Flows North Ends in the Mediterranean Sea The longest river in the world at 4,160 miles
Floods Until recently, flooded annually in July Question #4 Floods Until recently, flooded annually in July Floods were predicatable Deposited silt, replenishing the soil with nutrients The silt built up at the mouth of the river, forming a delta The silt blocks the path of the water, so the river has to get wider
2) The Red Sea The Red Sea lies between Africa and Asia It is almost 1400 miles long and only 200 miles wide
3) The Mediterranean Sea The Mediterranean Sea connects 3 continents: Africa, Europe, and Asia The Mediterranean Sea connects to the Atlantic Ocean
The Nile River Delta is very fertile and great for growing crops 4) Nile Delta Question #5 & #6 Delta- A triangle-shaped deposit of rich soil at a river’s mouth Usually forms many smaller rivers because of silt deposit The Nile River Delta is very fertile and great for growing crops
5) Sinai Peninsula Small strip of land between Africa and Asia Question #7 5) Sinai Peninsula Small strip of land between Africa and Asia The Mediterranean Sea lies to the north and the Red Sea to the south
Question #8 & #9 6) Lower Egypt Although to the north, it was called Lower Egypt because of the low-lying land that formed the Nile River Delta
Question #10 & #11 7) Upper Egypt Called Upper Egypt because it is upstream of the Nile River Delta and the land is more elevated The Nile is hard to travel in Upper Egypt because of cataracts (rapids)
Influence of Geography on Civilization Question #12 Influence of Geography on Civilization Natural Barriers provide obstacles to potential invaders Mediterranean Sea to the North Sahara Desert to the West Red Sea to the East Susceptible to Invasion Across the Sinai Peninsula
Effect of Barriers Limited invasions Question #13 & #14 Limited invasions Limited farming to a narrow region on either side of the Nile River Caused river villages to be crowded As population grew, villages along the river expanded Forced Egyptians to develop irrigation systems to create more farm land
Nile River Delta from space Benefits Question #15 & #16 The river served as a highway United the villages along the river The river made travel between villages easy Currents carried barges downstream Sails used to catch winds and travel upstream The river attracted wildlife and fish Papyrus grew along the river- Used to make paper Nile River Delta from space
Critical Thinking Questions Based on what you have learned about Ancient Egypt’s growing population, what challenges did the people of Egypt face? Why was the Nile River so important to the growth of Ancient Egypt?
Exit Slip List 5 facts about the Nile River and the physical features of Egypt
Geography of Egypt Name:_____________________ Block:_________