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Presentation transcript:

doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Provision of multiple grades of quality for the IEEE 802.15.4e Date Submitted: Sep., 2008 Source: Seong-Soon Joo, Anseok Lee, Chang-Sub Shin, Wun-Cheol Jeong, Jong-Suk Chae Company: ETRI Address: 161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, KOREA Voice: +82-42-860-6333, FAX: +82-42-860-4197, E-Mail: Re: 15-08-0373-01-004e-call-for-proposals Abstract: For providing multiple grades of quality in WPAN, how to translate the grades of service quality onto MAC layer is discussed and a proposal for supporting fine granularity of QoS is presented. Purpose: This document is a response to Call for Proposals. Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. ETRI <author>, <company>

Provision of multiple grades of quality for the IEEE 802.15.4e <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> Provision of multiple grades of quality for the IEEE 802.15.4e Seong-Soon Joo*, Anseok Lee, Chang-Sub Shin, Wun-Cheol Jeong, Jong-Suk Chae ETRI ETRI <author>, <company>

Traffics and Quality in WPAN Traffic specification characteristics of information generation at a source number of frames (MAC payload ~116B) at one time generation temporal correlation among sequentially generated data Quality specification guaranteed performance level of end-to-end information delivery end-to-end information delivery delay : tolerable max delay, delay variance end-to-end information loss : tolerable frame loss rate, sequence error AP-1 AP-n AP-1 AP-n AP-1 AP-n FR 1m FR11 FR1l frame train FR 1m FR11 FR1l frame train Transport Transport Transport t1 Network Network Network t3 t2 MAC MAC MAC e2e delay = t2-t1 interarrival = t3-t2 sensor node sink ETRI

Quality Degradation Chain in WPAN At one node sender and receiver synchronized in active for transmission contention on accessing media no room for output queue interfered with unexpected traffic from hidden sources On the path temporal load variation in each nodes on the path multiple paths to the end reconfigured path quality budgeting on the path How to specify the quality of end-to-end information delivery in terms of MAC ? PAN Coordin. Coordin. Device ETRI

Grades of Service Quality Service performance requirements on quality one single frame expected to be delivered to the sink with the probability 0.6 no later than 5sec one single frame must be delivered to the sink within 20ms train of frames must be delivered to the sink within 1sec variance of inter-arrival time between consecutive frames needed to be within 100ms Grades of Service Quality quality attributes (e2e bandwidth, tolerable frame loss rate, tolerable max delay, delay variance) Specification of the Grades of Service Quality for WPAN MAC specify required bandwidth, loss rate, delay, delay variance average value, max/min value, distribution classify the quality in discrete grades high loss rate tolerable, low loss rate required high delay tolerable, low delay required ETRI

MAC and Grades of Service Quality Provide the grades of service quality to the applications by controlling the medium access establish an access channel specified for an application session provide an access channel for a class of applications Provide an access channel for a class of applications classify the quality in discrete grades with the required bandwidth max required bandwidth high frame loss tolerable or low frame loss required high delay tolerable or low delay required Grades of Service Quality in WPAN class 0 : best effort (high frame loss tolerable, high delay tolerable) class 1 : delay sensitive (high frame loss tolerable, low delay required) class 2 : loss sensitive (low frame loss required, high delay tolerable) class 3 : premium (low frame loss required, low delay required) ETRI

MAC Functions for Controlling the Quality Functions for supporting the transmission quality frame loss ACK, reserved resource delay reserved resource, preemptive access, delay budget planning on a path delay variance reserved resource, inter-arrival time management MAC functions for supporting the quality in 15.4-2006 access channel groups unslotted CSMA-CA slotted CSMA-CA GTS acknowledged transmission (macMaxFrameRetries: MAC PIB) reserved resource : GTS ETRI

MAC Functions for Fine Granularity of QoS Support fine granularity of QoS support low variance of delay at a device prioritized transmission support fine grained reserved resources on an access channel TDMA five classified access channels between device & coordinator CSMA-CA prioritized tx on CSMA-CA GTS prioritized tx on GTS access channel can be specified differently for the pairs specify access channel type between RFD-FFD, FFD-PAN Cord. manage the reserved resource on an access channel PAN Coordin. Coordin. Device ETRI

MAC PIB Attributes macPrioritizedChannelAccess macTDMAChannelAccess Type : Integer (2bits) Each bit represent supporting channel access method (b0) 0 : CSMA 1 : Prioritized CSMA (b1) 0 : GTS 1 : Prioritized GTS macTDMAChannelAccess Type : Boolean (1bit) 0 : No TDMA 1 : TDMA in inactive period Slide 9 ETRI

MLME-START.request MLME-START.request with MAC PIB To support each coordinator operates with different superframe structures BeaconOrder SuperframeOrder *PrioritizedChannelAccess (PCA) 2 bits (b0 : Prioritized CSMA, b1 : Prioritized GTS) *TDMAChannelAccess (TCA) 1 bits (b0 : TDMA channel access in inactive period) Slide 10 ETRI

MCPS-DATA.request Extend TxOptions for supporting five classified access channels (b0, b1, b2) b0 : 1= acknowledged transmission b1 : 0= CSMA, 1= GTS b2 : 1= indirect transmission (b3, b4) 00 : use 15.4-2006 TxOptions (priority level 0, low priority) 01 : prioritized transmission (priority level 1) 10 : prioritized transmission (priority level 2, high priority) 11 : transmission on TDMA slot ETRI

Channel Access Method Superframe Structure CSMA GTS TDMA or Inactive If PCA0 = 1, use prioritized CSMA If PCA1 = 1, use prioritized GTS If TCA1 = 1, use TDMA Different Channel Access Method for each layer Slide 12 ETRI

Operation Example Channel Access : Prioritized GTS BO=8, SO=6 PCA=01b, TCA=0 Duty Cycle : 1/4 Channel Access : Prioritized GTS PAN Coordin. Coordin. Coordin. Device Device BO=8, SO=3 PCA=00b, TCA=0 Duty Cycle : 1/32 Channel Access : CSMA BO=8, SO=4 PCA=10b, TCA=0 Duty Cycle : 1/16 Channel Access : Prioritized CSMA Slide 13 ETRI

Summary Grades of Service Quality in WPAN class 0 : best effort (high frame loss tolerable, high delay tolerable) class 1 : delay sensitive (high frame loss tolerable, low delay required) class 2 : loss sensitive (low frame loss required, high delay tolerable) class 3 : premium (low frame loss required, low delay required) Fve classified access channels between device & coordinator CSMA-CA prioritized tx on CSMA-CA GTS prioritized tx on GTS TDMA Access channel can be specified differently for the pairs specify access channel type between RFD-FFD, FFD-PAN Cord. manage the reserved resource on an access channel Each coordinator operates with different superframe structures MAC PIB : macPrioritizedChannelAccess, macTDMAChannelAccess MLME-START.request: PrioritizedChannelAccess, TDMAChannelAccess MCPS-DATA.request : extend TxOptions