DO NOW “No relationship is a waste of time. If it didn’t bring you what you want, it taught you what you don’t want.” TOTD: You cannot have a healthy relationship with people who are wearing a mask.
Types of Relationships Benefits of Relationships Healthy vs. Unhealthy Dating
What is a Relationship?? How would you define a relationship? - A bond or connection between two individuals. Who do we form relationships with throughout our lives? Parents, siblings, friends, teachers, coaches, employers, other parents/adults, etc. * Why is it important to have healthy relationships in your life?
Platonic Friendships Definition: a deep and spiritual connection between two individuals in which there does not exist any form of sexual connection or attraction. Is it possible for platonic relationships to exist? What is the benefit of platonic relationships?
9 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships Respect Safety Support Individuality Equality Acceptance Honesty & Trust Communication Laughter/Fun/Enjoyment
A Balancing Act If the relationship is all about ME, then I am focusing on getting my needs met and expect you to make my needs your priority as well—and your needs suffer. me you
A Balancing Act If the relationship is all about YOU, then I am focusing on getting your needs met at the expense of my own. you me
A Balancing Act If the relationship is about US, then we are both focused on the relationship that we lose our individuality. us
A Balancing Act In a healthy relationship, YOU, ME and US are in balance most of the time. However, sometimes YOU or ME may need more attention…and that’s ok. me you us
The Notebook
Dating Relationships In your own words, define “dating” Do you think there is pressure to date? Where does this pressure come from? What are some reasons people do not choose to date? What does it mean to have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
Dating Relationships Do you think males and females have similar expectations about dating? - Are there stereotypes involved? ex: Who asks who on date? Who pays? What factors influence the qualities we look for in a partner?
Chatter Box Who are people in your life that make you feel good about being yourself? Why? What are the qualities you look for in a friend? Should you look for the same qualities in a boyfriend/girlfriend that you look for in a friend? Can you choose how you want to be treated in a dating relationship?
Relationship Spectrum
Is your relationship healthy? Take the quiz! - Go to - Select “Quizzes” - Select “Is my Relationship Healthy?” - Take the quiz, submit and review your results
Graffiti (4 Teams) 30/60/90/120 When I see someone in a healthy relationship, I see them doing things like... When I hear someone in a healthy relationship, I hear them saying things like… When someone is in a healthy relationship, they usually feel like… When I hear or see someone in an unhealthy relationship, I see or hear them doing things like…
Discussion If your best friend were bossy, cruel, or aggressive toward you, you’d probably find a new best friend. But some people think it’s OK to tolerate such behavior from a partner. Why? The early stages of dating abuse usually involve one partner gaining control over the other through excessive attention, jealousy, and guilt. Why is this stage often hard for a victim to recognize? How can it lead to more serious forms of physical and sexual abuse? Do you think it’s easy or hard to leave an unhealthy relationship? What are some reasons why someone might stay in an unhealthy relationship? If you saw a friend being abused, or abusing someone else, would you get involved? Would your gender influence your response? What about the gender of the person being abused or doing the abusing?