Unit four Vocabulary American History
Jingoism Definition Example Extreme nationalism marked by aggressive foreign policy. Lead to American involvement in Cuba and ultimately to the Spanish- American War.
Yellow Journalism Definition Example Sentimental, biased and often false reporting for the sake of attracting readers. Used by the New York Journal and New York World to gain American support for Cuban rebels.
Spanish-American War Definition Example A conflict between Spain and the United States (1898) that was fought in Spanish colonies. As a result the U.S. received the colonial lands of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines, and the protectorate of an independent Cuba. Teddy Roosevelt led his band of “Rough Riders” in the battle of San Juan Hill, Cuba.
Panama Canal Definition Example The Panama Canal is an artificial 51-mile waterway in Panama that cuts across the Isthmus of Panama and connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. Acquisition gained by the U.S. as a result of Roosevelt’s Big Stick policy.
Great White Fleet Definition Example The U.S. fleet of battle ships that Teddy Roosevelt sent on a world tour from 1907-1909. Used as part of Teddy Roosevelts Big Stick diplomacy and was meant to intimidate other nations.
Anti-Imperialist League Definition Example A group of individuals that believed it was inconsistent with the principles of a democracy(which is based on self-rule) to rule over other nations that have no say in who rules them. Samuel Gompers Jane Adams Grover Cleaved Booker T. Washington Andrew Carnegie
Open Door Policy Definition Example A policy that allowed each foreign nation in China to trade freely in the other nations’ sphere of influence (section of a country where a foreign nation enjoys special rights and powers). Created in 1899 by Secretary of State John Hay. It later lead to the Boxer Rebellion.
Banana Republics Definition Example A small nation, especially in Central America, dependent on one crop or the influx of foreign capital. Honduras, Guatemala, Cuba
Boxer Rebellion Definition Example A rebellion of Chinese “boxers” who oppressed the open door policy. Eight countries banned together to put down the rebellion. It prevented China from being fully colonized by a foreign country.
Committee on Public Information Definition Example Used to sway public opinion in favor of the war. Employed artists, authors, songwriters, entertainers and public seekers. Propaganda
Selective Service Act 1917 Definition Example Required all men between the age of 21-30 to register for the draft. A lottery was used to determine what order they would be drafted. 2.8 million Americans were drafted
Espionage Act 1917 Definition Example An act that made it illegal to aid the enemy, give false reports, or interfering with the war effort. Was further strengthened by the Sedition act. Lead to more then 2000 convictions. Schenck v. United States upheld that government could limit free speech when there is “clear and present danger”
War Industries Board (WIB) Definition Example Coordinated the production of war materials. The WIB told manufactures what they could produce, allocated raw materials, ordered the construction of new factories, and set prices. The government creating a new factory that would build tanks for the war.
League of Nations Definition Example President Wilson’s idea for an international group of nations that would preserve world peace through respect and mutual protection. The League of nations was the precursor to the United Nations. The United States did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles because of the League of Nations, as they felt it would involve them in conflicts that were not theirs.