A Fourth Grade Adventure Camp Tecumseh A Fourth Grade Adventure
Trip Dates: Monday, April 11th –Tuesday, April 12th Mrs. Hathaway Mrs. Decker Tuesday, April 12th-Wednesday, April 13th Mrs. Extin Mrs. Jancich Mrs. Caddick
Important Forms These forms will be going home in February. Every student needs to have the Health Form and Permission Slip completed before going to camp. Make sure you inform us of any allergies or food issues.
Background Check All parents need to have a background check if you are hoping to attend our trip. These can be taken care of at the office. Don’t wait until the last minute. They take at least two weeks to be approved.
We Need Parent Instructors At Camp Tecumseh! Be an instructor and help teach our campers about pioneer life. This is a scripted leadership activity in one of the 7 different sessions. Instructors will attend a half day training at Camp Tecumseh. Training Dates: March 12th, or April 2nd from 9:30a.m. to 1:00p.m. You can carpool with other parents!
Parent Instructors Needed! We need at least 14 parents to become instructors. (Seven for each trip) When you are not instructing a pioneer activity, you will chaperone your child’s trail group. Parent Instructors attend camp for half price.
If you can’t be an Instructor, you can still be a chaperone. Chaperones guide groups to each activity. Chaperone the students at all other times including meals, free time, and campfire. Chaperone cost $55.00. We may need to draw names to chaperone so please get your paperwork in by the deadline. (Will be sent out in February) We need both moms and dads to chaperone this trip.
Student Arrival Students will arrive at school between 8:10-8:25 with all their luggage. They will not be able to ride the bus to school that day. Students will be in classrooms until we leave at 9:15 Chaperones can leave for camp after dropping off their child.
We will need parents to help haul down luggage in their vehicles. Please sign up near the trainer table if you are able to carry luggage in your car.
Sample Schedule- Day 1 11:30 - 12:15 Arrive, Move in, Orientation 12:15 - 12:45 Sack Lunch 12:45 - 1:00 Head to Settlement & Opening Story 1:00 - 1:45 Period 1 Pathfinders 1:45 - 2:30 Period 2 One Room School House 2:30 - 3:15 Period 3 Yankee Ingenuity 3:15 - 4:00 Period 4 Indian Sign Language 4:00 - 4:45 Period 5 Necessities of Life 4:45 - 5:30 Period 6 Pioneer Cooking 5:30 - 5:45 Head back to flag pole 5:45 Supper 7:30 Campfire
Sample Schedule-Day 2 7:00 Wake up, Pack up, Move gear to cabin porch 8:00 Breakfast 9:00 - 9:45 Period 7 Barnyard & Recreation 9:45 – 10:30 Period 8 Trappers Trade 10:30 –11:15 Period 9 Log Cabin Building 11:15 Closing Story 11:30 Group Picture 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Head for Home 1:30 (our time) Arrive at Joan Martin and Go Home! All students are dismissed
Suggested Packing List - Sack lunch for lunch on Tuesday - Sleeping bag or blankets - Pillow - Toothbrush/paste and towel Student should only have one duffle bag and bedding/pillow roll.
Clothing to bring: -2 pairs of old jeans -2 T-shirts and underwear -2 pairs of warm socks -2 long sleeve shirts or sweatshirts -1 warm old coat, gloves, and hat **Rain gear (rain coat/poncho) -1 extra pair of old shoes or boots
A packing list will be coming home with your child closer to camp. Optional: Cabin Activities Snacks Games Crafts A packing list will be coming home with your child closer to camp.
Medications One of the teachers will be administering all medications while at Camp Tecumseh. A medication form will be filled out for each child that will receive any type of medication while at camp. (This will be sent home in February)
Cost of Camp Approximate Student cost- $60.00 (camp and bus rides) Instructor cost- $27.50 Chaperone cost- $55.00 All of your fundraising will be totaled and a final cost sheet will be sent home in March. This price covers: 2 bus rides, 3 meals, 9 pioneer activities, lodging for the night, and a lifetime of great memories.
Social Media We have some parents that would prefer that their child’s photos NOT be posted on Facebook, Twitter, etc. If you are taking pictures of multiple children while at camp, please send them to your child’s teacher and they can be uploaded on the classroom page after they have been approved.
Lower your Camp T. cost Fundraiser starts in January.
Important Information This is a tobacco free trip. Students will be choosing another student (that is attending the same dates) to partner with in their cabin. Students that don’t attend will be required to come to school. Supervision and academic lessons will be provided for those two days.